Some time ago I was given the assignment to weekly visits and pray for a house bound English lady. She was elderly and did not know the Lord Jesus Christ personally. She had lost one eye and ear through cancer and so she kept half her head covered and never mixed with people. She and her husband had servants taking care of them. I visited her weekly and whenever she sent for me. Every time I prayed for her I also prayed for her husband who was never present when I visited. It seemed that he had problems with his heart. Whenever I prayed for him I always bound the evil powers and their works that were causing trouble, in the Name of Jesus Christ. This went on for over two years and eventually the lady surrendered to the Lord Jesus Christ – praise God.
However, if he was home when I visited, he would go out immediately and if we met on the street, he would cross the road, stand to attention and salute me. I never did get to speak to him for he would deliberately avoid that.

Then one evening he called to see my sister’s husband and when I saw him struggling up the few steps to the house I helped him in for he seemed ill. He said he was having problems with his heart. A little later just before Robert and I left to go for a meeting, I asked Robert to pray for him. At this time my cousin who was living with us joined us in prayer along with the servant lady. We normally close our eyes while praying and
so we did not notice that the servant lady and fallen down during the prayer.

The next morning the servant came to me for prayer saying she suffered all night with no sleep. Her stomach kept bloating and something kept forcing her outside and trying to push her down the well. She kept struggling against these powers and was tormented. Once again Robert, my cousin and I began to pray for her and only my sister’s husband was home for we shared one house and he heard all that was going on. She covered her head with a towel and knelt down for prayer. As soon as the blood of Jesus was mentioned, she flung the towel down and with her eyes closed and her finger pointing at me she said in good English “Margaret, you are the cause of all the trouble. I was happy living in the old man for 60 years and you come and pray, pray, pray…….get out, get out, get out and now I have got your servant and I will not come out.” Apparently the gentleman was possessed and now entered the servant.
We did not know of this but how marvelous it is to know that demons must respond to the command given in the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is LORD!
Normally the servant lady did not speak good English and she would always address me as “Margaret missy” and not call me “Margaret.” The demon was speaking through her.
In the Name of Jesus Christ we commanded the demon to leave, and the demon started pleading to stay for one month, then one week and finally left with a scream and the servant fell down on the floor. After a little while she was up and she was set free by the Name of Jesus and the blood of the Lamb. Hallelujah!
PRAISE GOD for the power in the name of Jesus Christ to set captives free from demons!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Margaret Wright

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