John 2:5: “Whatever He Says To You, Do It.”

John 2:5: “Whatever He Says To You, Do It.”

Minister G. A. “Doc” Thomas

Westside Baptist Church St George, UT

26 January 2011


Our imaginations are tested continuously every day. Sometimes we'll get together with friends and ask: “What would we do if all of a sudden, Shakespeare walked through that door and joined us in conversation tonight? What about Homer, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis, Denzel, Michael Jordan? How awesome would that make we feel? We would have plenty to boast about! We'll say to our friends: “Guess who came over!!!!” But suppose that Jesus, the Christ, would enter; what would we do then? How would we act? That indeed, would be different. When Shakespeare or one of these other great men would walk through the door or into an auditorium, we'll stand up as a show of respect but when the Living God enters, every knee will bow...we would kneel. This would recognize the invincible supremacy of Jesus. He is the final authority, the soul of the creed, the Life of the Scriptures.....the HEART of the church! The secret of Jesus is, obedience; to Jesus. Therefore, the question is: “Will we be obedient? Will we follow the command: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


Let us pray:


On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”
Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” –John 2:1-5. From this response from Mary, it is evident that she was neither dissatisfied nor put off by Jesus but received His communication in the right spirit. Moreover, Jesus did not ignore the problem to which she had called attention but was granted far more than she had asked or could have imagined. Much water was turned into wine; very fine wine! Let's look a little closer at statements that Jesus made during His three and a half years of ministry. Let's see if we will follow the command: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


  1. The Command: to be.


If Jesus is to be the Savior of men, He must be the Savior of the strong as well as of the weak & He must save the whole of the strong man. This confronted Jesus throughout His earthly ministry. The first great sermon—the first Christian sermon, was preached before there was a Christian church. What was the key note of it? What one word sums it all up as no other word does? From the first beatitude to the close of the sermon, one ideal shines steadily forth. The individual recovered his lost title deeds that day by the mountain. The men who heard it must have gone away with strange, high thoughts about themselves.



One who was evidently God's own Son had spoken to them as if they also were God's sons.” Into their ears had dropped such words as “poor in spirit,” “pure in heart,” “Salt of the earth,” “Light of the world.” One sentence in the sermon caught their minds and rang through their memories like strains of music not to be forgotten: “Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”--Matthew 5:48. Can we indeed be perfect? Will we follow Mary's instructions to the servants: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


Then some of them remember the words chanted in the synagogues and in the temple, “I have seen the end of all perfection.” If this was to be so, what was Jesus, the young preacher saying? What did He mean? Has He come to mock them? Of course not. No man in Christ's presence ever felt that. It was a command, to be sure, but it was a command with a promise! Christ shows us in living definition, what should be our spirit and character. He was a living definition! The people who heard Him that day went to their homes feeling not only that they had been exhorted to perfection but that they had seen it! It is the duty of Christians to desire, and aim at, and press towards perfection in grace and holiness. And therein we must study to conform ourselves to the example of our heavenly Father. Surely more is to be expected from the followers of Christ than from others; surely more will be found in them than in others. Let us beg of God to enable us to prove ourselves His children. However; we must continue to forge ahead and follow the words of Mary: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


There is a deeper difference between Christ and those He created. Socrates is said to have three characteristics as a teacher: love for truth, love for pupils, and power to communicate his truth to his pupils. Superficial minds have seen in these three marks a complete characterization of Jesus. But that garment is too small for Him. Love for truth, love for pupils, power to convey the truth to His pupils—all these He had. However; way beyond all this, He had mysterious, supernatural power to communicate Himself to them. Men not only learned His Words and grasped His ideas, but were made into His likeness. This is one of the main reasons we should follow the advice: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


In today's egocentric, self-centered world, we always look for force! We are seeking and are ever-striving for power. The old adage says: “Knowledge is power.” Americans truest sentiment is, “Money is power.” We have acquired both and have been weaker than broken reeds. We must understand that character is power & is the unique preeminence of Christianity that it presents a perfect character, in the God-Man, to the world. It has a perfect body of doctrine but its supreme mark is the perfect character of Christ. Jesus' contemporaries and associates felt that character, lodges its power over men. Pharaoh believed in this wholeheartedly when he turned all of Egypt over to Joseph during the great harvest and great famine. His comments preceded Mary's: Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you, do.” --Genesis 41:55.

From the day John-the-Baptist said, “Behold the Lamb,” till the day Pilate said, “Behold the Man,” He exercised the sovereign sway belonging to a perfect character. He said to men, “Follow Me,” and they did it without question. He said to demons, “Come out,” and they too obeyed. He said to Satan, “Get the behind,” and he slunk away like a coward. He said to the waves, “Be quiet,” and they ceased to toss. He said to sick and dead men, “Arise,” and they arose. He knew the power that belongs to a perfect character. And one Day, with the shadow of the cross smiting Him full in the face, He said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto Me.” And He is doing this still today! This is more proof why we should follow the instructions: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”Are you still seeking to be a force in the world? Do you need or desire power?


Not scholarship, noble as it is; not money, as potent as it is; but only the Christ-like character will win for you the Christ-like power. This is the divine plan for making men of power. The Christ-like man, will have the Christ-like power. It belongs to the real man, not to the false, not the profane, and not to the proud worldly ones. And the world waits for such leadership. The only way that we can provide such leadership is to study to make ourselves approved, believe in Jesus Christ & obey the statement: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


  1. The second command of Christ is social—to love and serve; in that order!


The Christ-like character does not end, in itself. It works out in Christ-like service. Righteousness is holiness at work. Holiness compelled Pilate to say, “I find no fault in Him.” Righteousness is this holiness girt about with a towel, washing the disciples' feet. Righteousness is holiness loving men and serving them. Are you ready to love and serve one another? Are you striving for righteousness and holiness? Are you able to hear again and again the message Mary passed along to the servants: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


Now, let's look at sovereignty. Sovereignty is a triple thing: sovereignty of character; sovereignty of love and sovereignty of service. Men are afraid, scholars are also afraid, to be or seem to be, warmhearted. But we must read Jesus' Words clear through. He said, “be perfect,” but he also said, “love one another,” and dear Apostle John repeated it until the disciples wearied of it. The heart of the world breaks for lack of love, not for lack of money, not the lack of advice. Love is the greatest thing in the world, therefore, do not be afraid of it. The university exists to train philosophers and philanthropists; who are lovers of truth, who shall be also lovers of men. “And having loved His own, He loved them to the end.” Do you believe that Jesus loves you until the end? Do you believe that He died on the cross in your stead? He must have if you believe Mary's comments: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”



Jesus loved actual men rather than the idealized abstraction; called man. And scholars with the Spirit, have not been wanting and says: “The love of Christ constrains me.” We have spoken three words here—be, love, serve. Christ is said: “Be ye therefore perfect; love one another; the greatest of all is the servant of all.” Remember, once again: “His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”--John 2:5. Again, do it! Follow this godly advice!


3. The third command of Christ is missionary; the command; GO!


Personal, social, missionary—these cannot be separated. You cannot obey the first without going on to the others. The Perfect Character loves/serves & goes, or He would not be the perfect character. Let us cheerfully admit the splendid service rendered to mankind by hermits/monks but neither the hermit nor the monk is for today or tomorrow. The Christian Principle is an active principle. Since Christ's last command, the final test of Christian character has been the disposition; to go. Paul knew all too well that he was to go: The shipwreck on the Mediterranean, the dungeon at Rome, and the martyr's crown.... Paul knew what the Lord required of him/where he wanted him to go. Despite fierce blows of persecution, the early Christians were scattered like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus has commanded us: “And He said to them, “Go into all the world & preach the gospel to every creature.”--Mark 16:15. When we follow this up with what Mary said: “Whatever He says to you, do it,” we see the beauty of following/obeying our Master. Are we going to hearken unto His voice to obey?


Many missionaries today face the same type of persecution and even death to take the Gospel to allegedly unchurched, unredeemed, or uncivilized sinners. Some have to travel through the wilderness, swamps, rivers, raging seas, savage tribes, frozen shores. What will our journey be likened to: loneliness, exile, service in lands where we will see no familiar faces and hear no familiar voices except that of Christ. It all ties itself up together into one grand motive force. When we put the words together again--“be perfect,” “Love one another,” “Servant of all,” “Go into all the world,” “If you love Me, keep My Commandments,” “You are my friends if you do whatever I command you.” Such a life will not be easy but it will be worth living. All this He bids you; and there stands His mother, saying: “Whatever He says to you, do it.”


Tonight, when we approach the altar, let's clasp hands in a faithful pledge that we will listen until He speaks & then do whatever He says. We must obey Him by day/by night; on land or on sea. We must obey Him until He sits on every throne/the last man knows His name. We must obey Him until there is no heathen or unbelievers in the world. We must obey Him until masters/servants, oppressors & slaves, become brethren in Him. We must obey Him then/after then/be ready to follow the great advice: “Whatever He says to you, do it!”


Let us pray:

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