JUMP! POWER! JUMP!- "Somethings changing inside of me!"

For the purpose of this site,"JUMP,POWER,JUMP!" is a BLOG. But it is so much MORE than that! It is a way of inward praise to outward worship! As we read and experience the Scriptures which in themselves are the treasures; We come to see "Chapters," which can very easily have been called "doors." We then come to the "scriptural verses," which could have very easily have been referred to as "the keys!" By this line of reasoning, "The Bible" itself becomes "the handbook on how to live in the house of many mansions!" And so through this "handbook on the house of many mansions," Jesus is the one who has gone up ahead to prepare the place for those of us whose names are written as future residents, who will live, in "The Paradise Mansion," called "Heaven!" So when the nay sayers question why you believe and put your faith in that Book and it's God? You just tell them with a great big smile on your face...I'm trying to close the deal on an expensive piece of real estate! So what then is, "JUMP,POWER,JUMP?" It is the indwelling spirit in me that urges me to move on the Word of God! It educates me, empowers me, lift me up when the matters of the world tares me down! It makes me want to jump when I want to stand still! When I am in Church the Spirit of God jumps up and down inside of me like a child on a trampoline! It is the being in the spirit expressed in Luke chapter 1; verse 47 that says, " And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior." I feel so blessed when this happens! Even when I have done nothing great or spectacular in my life or day, I am often reminded of Titus chapter 3: verses 5 and 6 that says, "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior;" The word here says,"Not by works of Righteousness which we have done..." You see all of us fall short of the glory of God. We can't do enough to say we deserve to have anything from God! We can't sing enough songs, we can't do enough dancing, we can't shout loud enough, we can't help enough people, we can't pray enough or praise enough to say that we deserve the Grace of God! The word here says, "but according to HIS mercy HE saved us..." That means that God had a choice and in his loving kindness he unselfishly chose to spread out his mercy upon us! The God of Love, that is Love created us so that he can have an abundance of Children to express his love to! Sure there was the Angels, the universe, planets and animals, but on the sixth day...God said in the Book of Genesis chapter 1; verse 26;,"...Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion..." And so when we were saved and reborn we asked how he have done this thing in us? The answer is found in the word here from Titus that says,"...by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost:" Here we see that the old and worldly man in us is being washed away, taken with the tides of yesterday and the new man is being regernerated and brought in on the waves of a new today! Amen! From this transformative activity in our spiritual lives, we are now experiencing the "JUMP,POWER,JUMP!" Renewing of the Holy Ghost! We can feel the Love of God, we can embrace the truth of Jesus, we can accept the the gift of the Holy Ghost that is, according to this Word that, "...Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior;" JUMP...on the word of God! JUMP...into a fervent prayer! POWER UP...your praise and JUMP...into your worship! Amen!

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