John 2:5 - "His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it."

Just Do It!

(No, It's Not Nike)

Most Christians are very familiar with this particular passage of scripture, but more often than not, we get enthralled in the miracle of water- turned-to-wine.

However, there is much more that we can learn concerning obedience, which is miraculous in and of itself; that is to say, if many of God's people would live obediently unto the Lord that itself, in many, if not most cases, would be a miracle!

Notice three features in this advice given by the mother of Jesus: First, our obedience is to be entire; the scope and range are encompassed in the word "whatsoever".

Second, our obedience is to be exclusive because,we are to do "whatsoever He saith". This means that we do it to the exclusion of others, if they differ from Him!

Third, our obedience is to be specific: "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it"; not just something like it, or similar to it, or equivalent to it; but "it".

Now observe three features in the obedience of the Cana servants. They obeyed "immediately" (v.7), they obeyed completely, filling the water pots "to the brim", and they obeyed successively each new instruction as it came - to "fill", to "draw", and to "bear".

Then, notice the three crucial features of the outcome. Because of their obedience there was (1) supernatural involvement - the water turned to wine; (2) magnificent alteration, because public disaster was given a relieved culmination; (3) a significant revelation, for the Word tells us in verse 11, "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him." These kinds of involvements or interventions, alterations or transformations, and revelations happen over and over again where there is full obedience to Him! Hallelujah!!!

"Whatsoever He says to you, do it." Oh may this be the motto that governs our lives in love, courtship and marriage.

When Jesus is left out of the wedding, sooner or later, in a spiritual sense, the wine fails; but when He is the Guest of Honor, He turns water into wine, transforming our meager human love into a joy which is a fortaste of Heaven!

That goes not only for those entertaining the notion of wedlock, but for all of us who name the name of Christ. May we apply this principle to every aspect of our being: "WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU, DO IT!"

Pastor Mike

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