I have heard our brothers and sisters quoting diff scriptures and this is the word of God so it is good but do we understand what we are to learn from it? Our Lord taught in stories and riddles. Even the Apostles asked Jesus why he did not speak plainly to the people. It is designed that even years of semenary can not teach you. Only a personal relationship with the word can give you knowlege of it and only the Holy Ghost can give you the answer. It is a gift. If you do not recieve it as a gift then you will never figure it out. The answers we are to be looking for come from studying the scripture and asking the questions what, how and why. What does it mean, how did that happen and why did he do that, with a sincere desire to understand. Then the Holy Ghost will enlighten you with the truth of the teaching. This is called sanctification and has been largely forgotten in the church. We have heard we are saved by the cross. How? Do you know or is your faith blind. Blind faith is the beginning but if you do not know why, your faith is easily questioned but when you know why, no one can take it from you. To answer the question: we are saved by the cross because of Gods promise to forgive our sin in the new covenant. For his promise of forgiveness there needed to be a sin sacrifice and God gave his only son to be that sacrifice. We are saved by covenant and without the cross it does not exist. It is the promise of God that he will put his word in our minds and in our hearts and that he will remember our sin no more. Without this covenant there is no salvation and Jesus through his blood is the meadiator of it. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God. It is something to find and we find it by studying the scriptures to ask what does it mean.
Bro.Tommy Baker

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