Lecture for Week of Jun 6th - Jun 12th Now Posted

Hi Everyone,

The lecture for this week, June 6th – June 12th, is entitled, “The Armor of God” and it has been posted.


God gave us spiritual armor to use in our warfare with Satan. Many books have been written and sermons preached about this armor, but it is a subject that is greatly misunderstood and, therefore, misapplied. God's armor is not some sort of magic that our minds apply to fend off the devil. It is not something that we apply or take off each day. We need a clear idea of the make-up, purpose and use of the armor of God.

Putting on the armor doesn't just happen; it takes effort. It is not a ritual of some kind. As believers, God gives us access to His armor, but we are commanded to put it on — all of it. This is a result of doing, believing, embracing, responding, and studying to gain knowledge and truth.

Putting on the armor is not a passive action. The armor is not automatically put in place when we accept Jesus. It requires an act of doing, believing, embracing, responding to, and studying God's Word, and is accomplished over time. This is the most basic foundational principal of spiritual warfare.

The “Topic & Goal” about this week’s lecture is listed below.

· The Armor of God – Goal: to define and explain God’s Spiritual Armor for warfare. To accomplish this goal, we will:

*Define The Belt of Truth

*Define The Breastplate of Righteousness

*Explain What The Scripture Teaches About Immorality

*Review Forgiveness

*Explain How To Put On The Breastplate of Righteousness

*Define Gospel of Peace

*Define The Shield of Faith

*Define The Helmet of Salvation

*Define The Sword of the Spirit


If you have not gotten a chance to complete the previous lectures, that’s ok because the course is self-paced and you can begin at any time. All past and current lectures are listed on the school’s new web site: www.recovery4abusedwoman.org. Remember, the BFOF Program is free!

If you have a problem opening the lecture link, please keep trying; sometimes it takes more than one try to open it. Also, as you study these lectures, open your heart so God can speak to you and heal you in whatever area of your life you need healing.

As always, you will receive a notice and the link once the next lecture (June 13th – June 19th) is posted. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy your journey of freedom - God is preparing you for His use.

In His Service,

Dr. Hooks

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Do you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? If not, give your life to Him today.
Abused Woman Ministries, Inc.
Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD
P.O. Box 490562
Leesburg, FL 34749-0562
352.406.9429- Office
1.866.269.5196 - Fax

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