Spirit Of Liberty Baptist will be planting a new church this summer and is in need of volunteers. If you are in the detroit area and currently not serving at a local church come join us. we are in need of :

We are in need of several volunteers for our new location ranging from:

Men's & Women's Discipleship Leaders

Prayer Ministry Leaders & Workers

Praise & Worship Team

Worship Leader

Minister of Music

Musicians(Various Genres)

Sound & Audio Technicians

Minister of Evangelism

Children's Ministry Workers

Youth Ministry Workers

Youth Minister

Church Administrator

Event Coordinator

Creative Arts Ministries



Young Adult Ministry Leaders & Workers

Audio/Visual Leaders

We are hoping to have an initial meeting June 14, 2010 at 3:00pm in preparation for our August 8th launch. Please contact us at yearofopendoors@yahoo.com with a brief bio
about ministry/conversion experience and state your area of interest. Thanks in
advance for your response. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting each
of you.

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Comment by James A. Chambers on September 19, 2011 at 11:58am



Just was doing some surfing and thought I would ask how the new church opening is going. I live in the Warren, MI area. i serve a Baptist church located in Roseville, MI as the Youth and Young Adult Minister, and am always looking for places to preach.


Blessing to you,


Minister Jim C

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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

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