The Road to Damascus has Many Paths 3/30/2010

Paul was a lover of God in all ways. He alone wrote the majority of the New Testament. But he wasn’t always dedicated to Christ. He started his career persecuting Christians in every way he could think of. Until our Lord blinded him on the road to Damascus and spoke these words to him alone, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” Acts 22:6 Then Saul answered Him. “So I answered, ‘Who are You Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.’” Acts 22:7. This was the moment that Saul was converted by the blood of Jesus Christ. Later, even when he met with the disciples, they were not sure they could trust him because of his previous actions. In other words, Saul just did not look like a Christian based on his past sins. But he did prove himself because he loved Christ.

Fast forward about 2000 years. Meet Christ’s disciple Maryanne. Although my past sins were not of the magnitude of Pauls, I also was a non-believer of the worst kind. I was a pretend Christian. I’d gone to church as a child, I knew Bible verses, I believed Christ had died for my sins but I was not practicing a Christian life. I thought I was going to get to Heaven based on good deeds alone. I was blessed to be well educated just like Paul had been. So, when I was truly Saved on Thanksgiving Day 2008, I saw the same blinding light that Paul saw. The Lord God spoke to me directly in a voice that no one else heard when I saw a vision of Christ on the cross and He said, “Christ died for you!”

Since being saved, I have encountered many tribulations. And I am currently dealing with one particular tribulation that I want to share with you. That tribulation involves Facebook. The only reason I originally became a member of FB is because our anointed Bishop, Eddie L. Long had become a member. My husband was the one who encouraged me to join Facebook for this reason to connect with other members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church so that we could Fellowship with them. But, I have been so extremely blessed to reconnect with old friends on FB. And what a delight to learn that so many of you are in the Body of Christ and we openly discuss our beliefs. I have made new friends who are also Christians, including some of the most powerful Bishops, Elders, Ministers and Disciples in the Kingdom of God. And I love each and every one of you. But here is my tribulation. I also like to play the games that FB offers. And I have been criticized for doing this. I have been told that future employers will look at my FB page and see that I spend a lot of time playing these games and that I could be judged in a negative manner for this. The judgement of the world is of no importance to me. I have been told that I should be spending my time on something more productive than the games. Some are asking “Where is God in Mafia Wars?” The Spirit tells me that it’s not what is in Mafia Wars or Petville or Zoo World, but it’s Who dwells within me that matters. Jesus gave instructions to His disciples shortly before His death and resurrection, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 This is what the Holy Spirit has placed in my heart, if there is just one person on Mafia Wars that is not yet saved, but his relationship with me can help bring him to Salvation, then I am doing what Jesus commanded. Had it not been for these games, I might never have connected with people who need Salvation. There are 2 specific friends that I play these games with who are not yet saved. They have started asking me questions about Jesus. I refer them to The Word and encourage them to add more friends who are Christians. I have invited them to church with me and I trust in the Lord that they will find their Salvation.

Facebook and the internet is my road to Damascus. What a wonderful God has given me these tools so that I can reach people that I might have never been in contact with. In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” To those of you who may criticize me, I pray you will receive these words so that you can walk in them. Jesus loves you and I do too.

Today, pray this prayer with me:

Heavenly Father, With my salvation, You promised me I would have tribulations. Your Son, Jesus Christ told me I would be judged by man as He was. What an honor to humbly serve my God daily as a branch of Jesus Christ; spiritually, physically and electronically. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory. Forever and ever, Amen

Maryanne Winder-Lester 3/30/2010

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