NEW HOPE FOR LIFE is a non Government non Profit developmental ministry. Our ministry is working to improve the spiritual level of believers and non believers to reached and unreached and improve the living standard of orphans, widows, and deserving ones to improve the socioeconomic condition by promoting educational, social and cultural activities and raising awareness and technical education.


“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)

Many children would love to go to school and study. You can make their dreams come true. Your Help can give an orphan and deserving child access to good health, education and better living conditions. join New Hope For Life and save the future of orphan and deserving children in village areas of Pakistan . School is a distant dream for many . You can help make their dreams a reality


Our vision is to glorify God through serving Him and His people by promoting powerless, deserving persons, Orphans children, widows and to equip them with education and uplift their living and to spread the Gospel of Lord Jesus through all over the world.


Our mission is to motivate people and utilizing their resources to work in harmony towards integrated human development and to build them with technical and formal education and to visit them in their troubles and to keep our self unspotted from the world through preaching of Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


To promote living standard of rural community and free Technical education and training will be given to those deserving and orphans who are unable to pay fee. To educate the word of God so they become a real Christian and witness of God . To literate the rural community and aware them about the importance of the education . To enable the rural community to take appropriate action to improve their circumstances by open up existing sources.

Founder and Chairman

Ather Javed

Ph.No. 0092-346-4072865

Skype ID ather.javed5

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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.

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