To every Girl:     

                                                       "Ode to a daughter"

  My daughter, do not be confused. Remember who you are and accept no less than being treated as such. You were created the apple of Gods eye, made to be pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the touch. Unlike men, you have been made to be desired. You are the most beautiful of all Gods creations. You are a princess, daughter of the most high, so much desired that even the angels desired you. Why would you play in the mud and subject yourself to all sorts of deciet and misery. Do not be defiled and let no one discrace you. You are intelegent and full of honer that the one who deserves you will love you completely for all that you are and you do not need to subject yourself to such foolishness. A knight is looking for you. Only you can quench the thurst of one who loves you so much. Will you not wait? Will you be waiting when he shows or will you impatiently settle for less before the appointed time. God has your perfect mate as he created Eve perfectly for Adam and so your prince charming is also made perfect for you. Your little girl dream is real if you will remember who you are. You are one to be put on a pedestal, adored and charished as a gift from God. He who deserves you has already sworn to defend your honor, putting you above all others. You will know him fore it is he whom you will honor and respect above all others, not because it is demanded but because of who he is. Your love will be natural without effort and you will care for him because he cares for you. Love is real and certainly not forced and true love does exist. Wait for your true love, he is searching for you. Put on the gown of honor and worth and let no one discrace you and cause you to be less. Cause young men to step up that they might deserve you. They need your help. Young men are on the hunt for their mate. They are the knights and if you let them, they will take you thru the emotions of trail and error trying to make you fit. Many have accepted the insticts of animals and have abandone kingdom understanding, living for pleasure and self promotion. Playing is always fun but life is not a party. The party is wasting life and contributes only to the deception of being happy. When the party is over, reality sets in and that kingdom will fall. Wait for your knight and you will reap the rewards. Cause the men who pursue you to step up and be worthy of your affection. Your knight is on his way and for him your worth is more than gold. Will you be available when he shows or will you have settled for less. Remember who you are and keep your honor. Little girl dreams do come true.

Bro. Tommy Baker

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