I live is Fayetteville,Tn.USA I was saved in1985.In the first 3 1/2 years .I was in evolved in a healing ministry. Can I say that at the point of salvation that I was filled and over running with the Holy Spirit.
Can't explain it but, I was. I have heard some GREAT people try to explain it .But the truth is you can't. To know the Holy Spirit is to know the mind of God. God lets me in from time to time . In doing so I have seen many unexplainable miracles .They sometimes manifest them selves ,on the spot where you could see it happen. And sometimes you couldn't see it , you just new when they went too the doctor.
It was a done deal. I have ALWAYS had a doctor verify ,what God had done! That always builds the peoples faith.Two weeks ago my eldest son came to visit. He had a eye swollen shut. When he pried it open it was blood red. God told me to give him a prayer cloth . So read over him Acts 19:11- 13. God being a non respecter of persons. If he done it for Paul .He would do it for me. So I gave him the cloth. His eye opened and it wasn't red at all ! Praise God ! I preached in Houstoina , Mo. A lady there was going too the Doctors office.She was going in for a mass on her breast. God told me to Pray for her,I did & gave her a prayer cloth. The doctor gave her an x-ray and there was no mass there anymore. Praise God in the Highest ! I have seen the thing Jesus told Johns disciples . Too report to him. Go tell John What you have seen and heard . Well I am telling you, what I have seen and heard ! FOR REAL ! us is alive and if you will hear the Holy Spirit ! Speak to you and quit trying to do these things in your flesh. You can see these things too ! I never pray ! In the flesh. That is to say NEVER when I see a need . Because I know I can't do anything. But when God through His Spirit speaks .Then I do what he wants. Then and only then ! Do I see God do the, miracles ! Every place Jesus went, he healed the people ! If they believed in Him ! Where is there a better place to see such things,if not in our churches. The reason we don't see these things is because .We try to do it in our own flesh ! , don't feel bad ,and don't get mad . Have you ever ask God what to do,or should I pray ,and what should I pray? I ask what is my part in this need. Sometimes God says no part ,or not now ! You pray and ask God to forgive you for trying to do these thing with out Him. Look God does this,because of what Jesus did on the cross. Not because of you and your perfect Life. God see's the finished work as if you are all ready in Heaven. So quit thinking you are not good enough, or that God won't do that for you . He did it for ,the twelve ae will do it for you ! May the GOD of Heaven And Our Lord Jesus ,Bless and Keep you.

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