Safety Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence & Abuse

The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc.                                                                                  

P.O. Box 490562                        

Leesburg, FL 34749-0562     

352.406.2209 - Office – Email - Web site                                                                                                                                                                                                    


Safety Plan for Domestic Violence Victims

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline web site, domestic violence is “a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.”Abuse comes in many different forms: physical, emotional, economic, or psychological actions and threats. Domestic violence can affect anyone, it does not discriminate. Whether you are rich or poor, you can become the victim of abuse. But remember: you are not alone; there is someone to help you.

Safety Plan During Violence:

  •  Move to a room with easy access to an exit and where there are no weapons (knives, etc.).
  • Know and practice the quickest route out of your home.
  • Pack a bag but have it hidden and easily accessible.
  • Tell your neighbors to call the police when they hear a disturbance.
  • Have a code word to use with your child (ran), family, and friends to let them know you need help.



Safety Precautions for Leaving:

  • Have a safe place to stay that can protect you and your child (ran) already decided.
  • Call a domestic violence victim service program for information before you leave.
  • Find someone you can trust to leave clothes, keys, and copies of documents with.
  • Open a savings account in your name only and have check direct deposited.


Safety and Emotional Health:

  • Get support from a domestic violence crisis help-line and attend women’s support group.
  • Domestic violence victim support is provided by The Lula McGrady Foundation, Inc. and Abused       Woman Ministries, Inc. (
  • For your protection, meet the abuser (if needed) in a safe place with another person.


Safety and Your Children:

  • Tell schools and childcare that has permission to pick up your child (ren) and give them code word.
  • If possible, give school and childcare a picture of the Abuser.
  • Exchange child (ran) in a safe place for visitation exchange.


I acknowledged I received a copy of the organization’s Safety Plan for Domestic Violence Victims.

Client Signature: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________

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