Renew your mind by the word and you will naturally be more obediate. It will be in your very nature as you are made more like Him. "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God" the Lord says. He means for us to find it. The Kingdom is an understanding. A way to think. It is the very nature of God and the word of the Christ puts that nature in us as we grow in understanding and we naturally become more like him. This nature is called the spirit of God and as we grow in it, it causes us to sin less and less. If we were truely righteous we would never sin, naturally! This is not just a matter of good and evil. It is a matter of being happy and having peace in our life or being unhappy and having stress in our life. Our natural state of being without outside influenses is joy and trust and love. This is the state of a child before influenced by the world and so says Jesus that you must become as a child. The world has been influenced by evil for 6000 yrs and has ...its effect on every one of us. It is not our fault that we are sinners but we are a reflection of our teachings and our experiences. If you are tired of your life, come and learn from the master. He will teach you the understanding that will bring you peace and happiness. Come as you are, even in your sin, Jesus has already paid the price for your sin, past, present and future. You will never give up anything you do not want to give up but Jesus changes us by His word and you will naturally lose your desire to do the things that will cause you problems and that you shouldnt do. This is not done in an instant but is done over time as we grow in understanding and we are covered by grace during this process so you dont have to feel unworthy by your shortcomings. It is granted that way so that we do not feel unworthy and give up. The new covenant (promise) says He will do all of this for you if you will turn to him. Remember that you are talking to God who knows our heart, fall on your knees and ask the living Christ to forgive you and come into your life. Its as simple as that. When you do, the living God who is wiling and able, heard your cry for Help and He will do it and God can not fail. No one can do it for you. Your relationship must be personal so that God may lead you from wbere you are. God is calling you. You can feel it in your gut and He is tugging at you. All of us felt that tug when we came to Jesus. Answer the call. God loves you and wants to give you life. Hallelujah and praise God for your salvation.
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