This morning I woke up and started reading the Bible . The following revelation came to me and please allow me to share it with you all in the  Body of Christ.

  In Mt: chapters 24 and 25 Jesus , sitting on the Mount of Olives devoted his last teaching as a result of a question by his Disciples concerning the end of the World and His 2nd coming . Jesus brings out a picture of a good person who accepts him .

  That trusting in him as a Saviour   and bearing fruit of good work. I will request you to read the Chapters yourselves and then as you come to 25 :32 - 46 allow the H/S to reveal the scenario to you .

  In Pr. 19:17 Solomon experienced the results of good works . He could give lavish meals to the poor . But God provided him more and more to give.. When you give to the poor you lend unto God who pays back   . Same way he counsels us in Eccl 11:1 that throw yr bread on the Water and expect to find it . Solomon gave to every one .

 As we read in the letters of Paul e.g, 2Cor9:6 he commends that principle to the Corithians and in the Hebrews the writer brings it out marvelously . Heb 6:10  for God is not unrighteous to forget  your work and labour of love you have shown torward His Name 

Lastly allow me to share with you our service unto the Lord

  Have recently planted a 3rd church in South of Kampala . It is in a brethrens house currently

  We are up grading our Bible College to University level to award Degrees to Pastors and Church administrators plus others who are interested in knowing the Bible .

  Our Christian Schools both in Kenya and Uganda are continuing by the grace of God . We train our Orphans in these Schools

  We thank God we have grown to 15v Churches both in Uganda and Kenya and we glorify God for that

  Pray for a spacious place for our new church recently planted.

 Pray for finances to get a place for the Christian University SOON

 Pray for finances to support the education of all the Orphans we have

  Pray also for Gods wisdom as we serve him .

  God bless you all and may the Lord as we know our labour is not in vain 1Cor:15:58.

  If you feel touched, get the details of Gods Work in Uganda and Kenya via Email,   Tel +256782461403


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