In my copy of Messiah Journal, [a teaching Journal by First Fruits of Zion,, Issue 103 Spring 2010, p 29-32], I was truly blessed by an article entitled, Let My People Go! The following contents of this articles are thoughts, reflections and prayerfully some inspiration to all those who are working faithfully within the Kingdom of God.
In this article, the author outlines some very interesting aspects of God's plan of redemption for all humanity. This article was prepared with the coming Passover Holy Day in view, yet other additional aspects of this article addressed the total salvation which was blessed in Messiah.
The Exodus of the Hebrew Nation out of Egypt is the Bible's paradigm of what salvation looks like. This salvation from Egypt is the Torah's clearest picture of what salvation is and how it works. In those events, God was planting a seed, foreshadowing the Gospel, showing us today how it is that He saves His all of people in each age.
Within a few days, literally millions of Jews, Messianic Jews, Hebrew-Root ministries and Christians worldwide will be part taking the Annual Passover Seder Meal. This Passover Holy Day is a retelling of the Exodus from Egypt as the entire meal is a memorial (a remembrance of liberation from Egypt). In modern times, what does this liberation looks like?
God's plan of salvation was initiated by Himself to Abraham in Genesis 15:7-20. This prophecy by God which is recorded by Moses speaks about the Hebrew Nation's oppression and eventual liberation from that slavery in Egypt. Within this setting did God place the Seed of the Gospel of God, first to the Jewish Nation, and then through Messiah, all other nations. This is a perpetual covenant that is eternally binding. For all those who are benefactors of the salvation in Messiah, ones freedom is reflected by ones:
  • Liberation from Bondage- for souls were unable to save self due to sinful unredeemed souls.
  • Liberation from Satan and his kingdom of darkness. Sin and death are driven by sin and ruled by the flesh nature of all humanity. Romans 1.
God's salvation is actualized through Messiah's victory over the cross and the grave. Each redeemed soul is an objective sign of a miracle from heaven. Soul redemption is a direct intervention on earth that takes place within each soul, yet it originates in the heavenly abode of God and His eternal Kingdom.
This heavenly redemption from bondage to freedom is for the purpose of serving God and learning to worship Him. For salvation is not an end, for it is a new beginning which leads to eternity. This new life of serving and worship of God The Father is what is an expression of the exchanged life: its a spiritual transformation. How so?
Before salvation [in human brokenness-we were unable to please God for we were slaves to sin]. After salvation, we became slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:16-18). In addition, "For just as you presented your member as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification. Romans 6:9.
God The Father, through Christ, removed souls from the pull, power and dominion of darkness, and adopted souls into The Light and the Eternal Family of God. Jesus our Messiah, gave Himself for all humanity in order to redeem us from every lawless deed, and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds.
Brother Alonzoe'

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 30, 2010 at 3:44pm
Halleluiah!! We are free indeed in Christ! Glory to God.
Comment by Alonzo E Thornton, D.Min. on March 28, 2010 at 9:06pm
Thank you Dr. Liz Stokes for taking the time to consider this post as part of your activities for this day. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you, and may He keep you and yours, and may His shalom be about you for this coming week.
Brother Alonzoe'

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