Dearly Beloved,


“These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go with the multitude, leading the procession to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng” (Psalm 42:4 NIV).

One of the songs we used to sing when I was in elementary school is, “Some have food, but cannot eat; some can eat, but have no food. We have food and we can eat. Glory be to You, O Lord!” Honestly, like many of my contemporaries, I did not know the actual lyrics of this song and many other popular songs sung in school in those days. We just sang them routinely. However, just recently, I overheard it from some school pupils as they were about to have their midday break. I listened attentively to it as it refreshed my memory of my elementary school days, and I reflected on the lyrics of the song. Many people really have plenty of food and other financial and material resources, but they cannot enjoy them because of physical ailments, psychological trauma and other hindrances that are beyond their control. On the other hand, many people are hale and healthy with no stress, but they do not have food and other financial and material resources to enjoy. This scenario can be likened to a Yoruba adage: one who has head does not have cap to wear on it. However, many of us have food and other financial and material resources relatively and we can enjoy these things because we have little or no physical ailments, psychological trauma and other such things that may hinder us from enjoying the God-given resources. Glory, indeed, be to God.

The writer of Psalm 42 could explain this scenario better. He wanted to join others to worship God but he was hindered by physical ailments and psychological trauma that were beyond his control. However, he encouraged himself by putting his hope in God. On the other hand, another psalmist in Psalm 103 expressed his praises to God “who satisfies [his] desires with good things” (verse 5, NIV).

Do you give glory to God for the grace He has given you to enjoy the resources He has graciously endowed you with? Some have these resources, but they cannot enjoy them. Some wish to have what you have, but do not have them. Appreciate God for what He has done for you, and He will enable you to enjoy them more. I have food, and I can eat. Glory be to You, O Lord!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Prayer Points:

1. Pray that you will always appreciate God for the grace to enjoy His goodness over your life.

2. Pray for people that desire to enjoy the goodness of God but cannot because of some hindrances. 

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