Procrastination is a thief of time, it will stop you from stepping into your success. It is not the number of years you plan that matters, it is the number of steps you take.

Many a time we delay action by waiting endlessly on relations and people who do not bother about us; often, this leads to frustration and discouragement. The truth is that, our breakthrough may not come from our focus if our focus is not God.

Be determined to succeed. Determination does not go with laziness but with hard work. A lazy man will end up in poverty because he has no pursuit. Determination must be coupled with pursuit to produce result. If you have determination without action you are like a steaming vehicle without wheels; in a hundred years to come you are still where you are, no movement as long as you have no wheels to move. Before long, rustication begins and all your ideas and vision might rust away, then, you may end up becoming a scrap, unuseful to yourself and anyone else.

Success becomes a reality not when you give up but when you persevere. It does not matter how many times you have failed provided you do not give up. You can never be defeated unless you accept defeat as a reality. Failure is not final. Every failure contributes to your success because it paves way for a fresh opportunity to try again; and every trial takes you closer to success. In other words, your failure is part of your success. It takes a positive and a negative to have electricity light. Your negative circumstance will help your positive situation to glow! God does not intend your failure to brake you but to make you. Don't be afraid of failure but do not plan to fail.

Determination leads to success. It produces achievers. Determine to succeed, take steps of faith and experience great breakthroughs! (Curled from my new book - "THE MIRACLE JAWBONE" )

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