“Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.”
Believing in God does not save a man, nor does it give any man the accessibility to God. The evil spirits, fallen angels and Satan all believe in God, knowing that there is only one God, knowing also that they are destined to enter into the lake of fire; they neither love God nor will they obey Him. Just as many today know that there is only one God, they have no fear of Him, for they seek out their own salvation up and into believing that there is no God, or other ways of salvation, therefore they have nothing to repent of, deceiving themselves and others.

The fool says in their heart, there is no God, but they fight against any and all who declare that God exist, why is this? They believe that if they can stop the mention of God, remove all references to God, the Bible, Cross and holidays, then He will no longer exist nor be able to judge them. It’s as a thief in the night believes that if no one sees his theft then he will be free to do as he pleases.
Many who say they are atheist are actually agnostics, for atheism is a religion within itself. Many who say they are religious are but spots and blemishes within the righteous community, as stated by Peter and Jude, for they carry the doctrines of devils with them, making a mockery of the true Gospel, causing divisions within the church.

As the Bible states, old age comes to all men; “In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened.” A man’s strength shall fail, his eyes shall become dark and clouded, his legs at one time or another shall become weak as to not being able to stand, his ears shall fail to hear, a man’s teeth shall fall and not be able to eat solid food, and yet man who say they know God never realize that nothing is hid from He who has created all things visible and invisible. Rich or poor, bond or free every man shall stand before the Lord and be judged.

It is said that a man’s eyes are the windows to his soul, so if a man’s eyes are darkened, how dark is that man’s soul, how does a man justify another god, or deny that God does exist except his eyes be darkened. For the Lord has said about Himself, that if there is another God, He has no knowledge of it, I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me.

Without salvation and the acceptance of Jesus as the Son of God, worshiping God is as if a man stands in darkness without a light, or a man with eyes that he never opens, all is in vain. It is not what Jesus required of man to be saved but it was the Fathers will. God had sought out man to worship Him, but mankind started to reject and add to His commandments, as it has become in these end days, salvation was only toward the House of Israel, for as it was written; “Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews..” but the Lord in His compassion and mercy saw a people that desired desperately to worship Him in spirit and truth.

This is why the Lord sent His Son to die for all men, Jew and gentile. Christians do not worship Jesus, but we honour Him, for only through Him can we be made know to the Father. God does not approve any worship of Him nor will He accept any worship of Him without us first accepting His Son. “Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.” Remember; “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?

James 2:19, Ecc 12:3, Jer_5:22

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