Man was originally designed to operate in the infinite dimension; reasons being that, man is a resource from an infinite source. We are wired to push and expand boundaries, open new frontiers, make new discoveries and progressively annul the status quo in our quest for perfection. By design, we were not to operate with stereotyped minds; we were supposed to be visionaries, constantly pushing boundaries created by the ignorance and mental limitation of our predecessors. John Maxwell said; "Don't leave the world the way you met it," I concur with him. It's the calling of each generation to take things into another level in all areas and fields of strategic importance.

When Christ was on earth, He constantly told the people, "it was said of old".......... But this is what I am saying. Christ didn't fit Himself into the religious mould of His time, He pushed boundaries, introduced new paradigms and established new patterns. He changed the world, that's why; He was hated by conformists, conservatives and traditionalists. Even though His crucifixion was a preordained plan in God's agenda, the actions against Him were instigated by religious forces who thought they could stop the revolution he brought. Change can be resisted and delayed, but can't be stopped. The global movement of Christ today validates the fact that, what will be will be, sooner or later.

What is the infinite dimension?

It is the God dimension and not a religious or secular dimension. God is infinite and by relating with Him, we too can tap from His infinite mind to expand our finite minds. God is not a religious idea postulate and imposed on us by some ancient religious Rabi. God is the very essence of existence and by Him where all things created. Man consciously seeking to relate with God, shouldn't be a religious drive, but a reasonable drive.

Why a reasonable drive?

Reasonable in the sense that, we operate within several natural and self imposed limitations; that's why; most at times are dreams don't match with realities and our wishes only turn us into witches. It is only through a relationship with God that our natural limitations can be broken and we can access the infinite and tap from that dimension to change the things around us.

Mankind is fast running out of options in our struggle to conquer the several ills plaguing us; we need to realize, the answers we are looking for are actually infinite, they don't exist within the realm of our finite dimension of existence. We can't get to these answers without moving from the finite into the infinite through a relationship with God. That's why; Christ came, lived as a man and for thirty three and a half years, He demonstrated the possibility of the infinite dimension on earthly places. He died and resurrected to initiate us into the infinite dimension of existence, where limitations will be out of our vocabulary, as we make him our number one inspiration and mentor.

It's sad that, religion has stolen the show and disgraced it in several quarters, as many who claim to relate with God, have really nothing to show, but ceaseless religious activities. I have good news! We have entered a dispensation that would forever change the world as mankind reaches out to God beyond the contours of religion, with Christ as the way, the truth and the life. For more on the infinite dimension, order my books Supernatural Science part 1&2. Have a great week! Dr. Etta

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