Intro: Recap last week sermon on pre-tribulational position and review end times chart.

Matt. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, the N.T. has given us signs that will take place to usher in the consummation of the world. We also have signs in the O.T. of certain things which must be in place for the end of the age as we know it to come. For the first time in the history of the world, these signs are in some stage of fulfillment.

1. Israel will come back to the land that the Lord promised them.
Jer. 31:10; 32:37-42; 23:7,8 and Israel will be reborn in one day as prophesied in Isaiah 66:8. After nearly 2,000 years, Israel took its place among the nation in 1948. The Jews from the north country (Russia) have returned to Israel by the tens of thousands as have Jewish people from around the glove. We have seen them on television newscasts disembarking form planes in Tel Aviv. We have read it in every form of print media. But we read it first in Jeremiah. Jesus said that the generation being born when that happened would still be alive when He returned. (Matt. 24:34).

The Lord did not promise that ALL END TIMES prophesies would be fulfilled within a generation of their beginning, only that the generation being born at the time of the first of the signs would still be alive to see their completion. According to Psalm 90:10 a Biblical life span is 70 years, so we can predict the APPROXIMATE TIME of the end by adding 70 years to either 1948 (2018) or 1967 (2037). Read Matt. 24:33 and 36 and explain. The word “all” is the Gk. Word pas which means manner of so that passage really reads, “this generation will by no means pass away till the manner of these things take place.” We should not give specific dates and time but we should live as if the world could end right now! Remember that the culmination of End Times prophecies is the Second coming, not the Rapture of the church, which precedes it by 7 years. Those who are not ready will be caught by surprise, but you and I will not be caught off guard, because we are watching for our Lord’s quick return! I am looking for the Christ! Not the Anti-Christ!

The fulfillment of these prophecies has caused another reaction as well. The demonic forces began exerting their influence on world leaders in an effort to divert and stop God’s plan for the ages. Israel has fought in 6 major wars since then: 1. 1948 Arab-Israeli War. 2. 1956 Suez War. 3. 1967 Six Day War. 4. 1970 War of Attrition. 5. 1973 Yom Kippur War. 6. 1982 Lebanon war.

Each of these wars an attempt to wipe Israel off the face of the map. This attempt will continue with the biggest battle of all foretold by Ezekiel in chapters 38-39. Israel’s enemies won’t quit until they succeed or destroyed by God Almighty.

But Israel itself has become its worst enemy. By turning part of their borders over to Egyptian security, it permitted the Palestinians to smuggle in tons of weapons, ammunition and explosives from the Sinai, and fire more mortars and missiles into Israel than ever before.

Although US and Israeli leaders promised that abandoning Gaza would increase the nation’s security, the opposite has happened. Now Gaza is a major center for terrorist activity. Now Hezbollah has started a war with Israel on their northern front.

2. Jerusalem will be in Jewish hands. Zech. 2:1-5. The Lord Jesus Christ prophesied that the reunification of Jerusalem as a Jewish City would be a sign that foreign (gentile) influence over His land, and indeed the world, was about to end.

When this happened in 1967, prophesy experts saw it as another major sign fulfilled. Every Israeli politician stood firm pledging to keep Jerusalem united forever as Israel’s capital. But until a short period ago, the former prime minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon gave up some boarder land in the Gaza strip and said that if re-elected he would consider abandoning parts of the suburbs to achieve peace.

Jerusalem has always been the heart of Israel. If has served as the Jewish capital for 3,000 years since the reign of King David. Both Temples were built in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount. 1st Temple-Built by King Solomon in 950 BC and destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BC. 2nd Temple completed in 515 BC and was destroyed by the Romans in 70 Ad.

Israel has not had control of their Holy City Jerusalem, as an independent nation since 586 B.C. But after 2552 years, Israel recaptures the city during the six day war of 1967! This means that the church age is winding down!

3. A Moslem coalition (army) of nations armed & led by Russia are preparing to attack Israel. Ezek. 38:2-6

Gehenna, Tartarus, and Hades are translated Hell in our English Bibles

Hell-GK. (Gehenna)-the place of torment prepared by the Lord for the devil and his demons Matt.8:29; 25:41 Lake of Fire is synonymous with Gehenna. Mentioned 12 times by Christ. Mathew 5:22; 5:29: 5:30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15;23:23; Mark 9:43; 9:45; 9:47; Luke 12:5; and James 3:6 The reason the wicked are transferred to this compartment of hell called Gehenna is because Gehenna is the place where there are degrees of suffering. Rev.20:13 the them is plural indicating two places. Death (Grave) and Hell here is (Hades). Then transferred to the lake of fire (Gehenna)

Hell-Gk. (Tartarus)-the special place reserved for the angels who rebelled against God at some point during the time of Noah. This word ONLY OCCURS IN 2 PETER 2:4 in the N.T. This is the deepest part of the Hell called the BOTTOMLESS PIT (GK. Abussos) This word pictures a deep well that is dug deep into the ground. THIS IS THE PRISON for these demons reserved for the tribulational period. Rev. 11:7

Hell-GK (Hades) place of departed souls where the wicked are bound until the great white throne judgment. Mentioned 11 times by Christ. Matt. 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:22; 23; Acts 2:27; 2:31; 1 Cor. 15:55; Rev. 1:18; 6:8; 20:13; and Rev. 20:14 This compartment will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of the millennial reign and after the Great White throne Judgment (Rev. 20:14).

Gog , Magog, Tubal, Meshech, Rosh, Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer-The common religion of these countries is Islam. They are Iran, several North African countries, Eastern European countries along the Danube, and the Turkic nations of Asia Minor. A quick look at a world map will reveal that these areas are home to the most violent of Islamic terrorist groups. Russia will be a major supplier of arms for this Moslem army and will join together to fight Israel.
• Iran and Russia are well into implementation of a $50 billion deal to provide Iran with nuclear power. Iran is months away from nuclear weapons.
• Russia is bringing in the cash by supplying weapons for the entire world that hates America and wants to see Israel “wiped off the map” according to the Iranian president.
• Russia is the worlds second leading arms exporter with more than 6 billion dollars worth of military equipment to more than 60 countries.
• Recently, to offset the loss of Iraq as their primary mid east asset, Russia has formed commercial and military alliances with Turkey and Syria.
• Russia has offered to move Iran’s nuclear fuel production facilities onto Russian soil to dispel western fears of Iran’s intentions.
• Iran is preparing its people for war with Israel and stated that they would not back down from a confrontation.

4. The Roman Empire will Re-Emerge as a Political Force-(Dan. 2)The Lord spoke to Daniel through a dream of a metal man that there would be 5 kingdoms that would rule the nation of Israel. 4 our of the 5 kingdoms have already ruled and the last kingdom to rule symbolized by feet of Iron and Clay is during the tribulational period.

Interestingly, the metals decrease in value from precious, expensive and rare to ordinary and cheap. They also increase in hardness from soft to hard which is exactly how our world has become.

Of extreme significance is the absence of any reference to the Christian Church. Why? These prophecies relate only to Israel so we can gauge that time is drawing near for the rapture since this is the first event prior to the last kingdom to rule Israel which will be in the tribulation period.

5. The world is ready and willing to embrace a single religion-(Rev. 13:7-8)The one world religion idea has been around for most of our generation.

• Liberal denominations continue to water down the teachings of Christ and the Bible
• The flirtation between the Catholic church with the leaders of Islam is interesting
• The rise of Islam and is a major threat to world peace with its goal to be the one world religion
• Most Christians and Jews don’t really know what or who to believe

After the removal of the true church, Islam may very well be the foundation on which the one world religion is built upon.

2 Thes. 2:7 The secret power of lawlessness is already at work
1 Tim. 4:1 Doctrines of demons
2 Tim 4:3-4 A growing popularity of mythology and new age philosophies

All it will take is for one charismatic religious leader to emerge, a leader powerful enough to bring all those who are left behind into one counterfeit religion.

6. The world will accept a Single government-(Rev. 13:3) America is declining in strength. The world is poised to have a one world government now more than at any time of history before. A one-world government will arise with a leader to crystallize these things.

7. Babylon will Re-Emerge as a prominent city in world affairs-(Rev. 18:2-3) one of the shocks of Gulf war 1 was the discovery of Babylon on the banks of the Euphrates again. Some of Iraq’s leaders are calling for their nation’s capitol to be moved to Babylon. Babylon becoming the capital of Iraq would be a giant step toward achieving its transformation into a center of power for a single government headquartered in the Middle East. Zech. 5:5-11 shows Babylon being moved “to the plains of shiner” a reference to ancient Mesopotamia called Iraq Today.

This teaching is designed to encourage the believer in their walk with Christ rather than to have a sensational effect. Bottom line is NOBODY KNOWS WHEN CHRIST IS COMING but we can clearly see that the times are short. This teaching is designed to encourage believers in their walk with Christ and to have faith in Him. We are assured to be in Heaven with Christ! Priase God!

1 Cor. 15:58

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Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on January 12, 2011 at 11:54am
Amen. Yes, please feel free to use this training aid however you wish. God bless and I am blessed that you found it useful.
Comment by MaRee Jordon on January 12, 2011 at 8:47am
Thank You for this very informative & enlightening post. I will use it as an aid in my studies & witnessing, to the coming of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
Comment by Bogdan Wrzesinski on December 18, 2010 at 12:14pm

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58


♫♥ Merry Christmas ♫♥ and a Wonderful New Year!♫♥
To God be the Glory, ♫♥ HalleluYah, ♫♥ HalleluYah, ♫♥ HalleluYah! ♫♥


Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on July 28, 2010 at 4:16pm
I would like to know more about you almost lossing your life at your convenience. Looks like our LORD took caref you! Praise Jesus!
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on July 4, 2010 at 12:15pm
Your welcome Prophetess Tze. God bless.
Comment by Apost.Prophetic Cassandra Lai on July 4, 2010 at 9:45am
Thank you for sharing the prophecy, DR. HENRY

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