Since I now have money, it's time to reach the whole world and be everywhere. I think I should extend my ministry to Africa, Asia, Europe, America, etc. I have to buy a television station, build schools, hospitals, orphanages and open recreational facilities around the world, etc.

The list of what each of us would love to acquire and accomplish when we have money is endless; this as we will see is part of what I call, the money deception.

What is money deception?

It's the illusion that, once we have money, we should be able to do whatsoever our money can afford.

Money in hand is not the same as guidance from the Lord. The scriptures say: "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God, not as many as are led by money. (Rom 8:14)

Many have actually sent themselves to countries they have no business going to or establishing anything there. Some have built and bought facilities which are not part of God's program or mandate for their lives, etc, because of the money deception.

In (2 Samuel 7) David had all the portfolio, human, financial and material resources to build God a house; and he thought in his heart to do so, but God told him, that's not his assignment, but that of someone who will come out of him. Think about that for a while! Everything was in place for an accomplishment, but no accord from above! If you were David, what would you do?

The fact that you have the means, that's not the same as receiving the commission to move to Africa, Europe, Asia, America, etc, or to buy or build whatsoever you want. Thinking money in hand is the same as God's leading to accomplish something in our heart, is nothing but gross deception. I call this the money deception.

What did David do later? I CHRONICLES 22

David, decided to put in the weight of his resources to enable his son Solomon to accomplish what he wanted to do, but was not given the permission. This is the crux of the matter! Being able to know when to go and when not to go, but to enable others who have the mandate to go.

How many of us today can turn in money we intended for our ministry expansion to Africa or any other part of the world, to support those already operating in those countries with a clear mandate from heaven? Some ministries overseas with mission stations in Africa/ Asia, etc, have no business extending to these continents, etc; they don't have the mandate to these regions, but are led by the money and material resources they have.

The money in your hand intended for a television station, hospital, schools, orphanage, etc, might actually be a provision from God for someone else better prepared and equipped to do that. Have we the maturity to accept this?

Maturity in God is not a function of title, size of congregation, money or material possession, but that of understanding the will of God. May God save us from the money deception! When next you have cash to spend, ask God once more if you have the mandate to do what you want to do with the money you have in hand.

God has not called us to build our kingdom, but His kingdom. Thus, if I come across a faithful brother in Sudan with a genuine vision and strategy for Sudan, instead of extending my ministry to Sudan, I should be able to support the brother who is there, doing what I should have love to do if given the mandate.

This is the mindset needed in this dispensation if as the church; we would succeed to reach the world. You are not sent everywhere; you are not to accomplish all that you have in your heart, etc. The Lord might sometime lay a vision in your heart, to enable you identify those assigned for it when you meet them. Let's catch this vision and run with it. Success in the kingdom is not in the magnitude of work done, but what each of us accomplish within our defined divine mandates. For mentorship, feel free to connect:
Dr. Benard Etta

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