It has been a while since I put out an update on the goings on in the UECA. I have to admit that I am truly excited about what God is giving us to do for Him. So HERE GOES.

We now have a prison ministry reaching out to inmates in several different institutions. Currently there are 35 students learning basic bible understanding. What a joy it is to have Dr. Tony Smith reaching out to these men and women with an understanding of God's word. We are working with a bible college and seminary to establish basic bible courses that we can provide to them free of charge. We will also be giving our churchs in third world countries these bible study courses that they may use them to teach their people about the wonderful good news that JESUS IS ALIVE AND WELL.These folks need our prayers and our understanding and our help. Praise the LORD.

We also now have a source for homeschool material so that when parents want to teach their children at home we can provide Godly material for them to learn. What a joy. These young people are our heritage and what we teach them NOW is the way they will live their lives.

We also have established campus ministries for the Lord on several Colleges and Universities. Wow. What a dynamic outreach for Christ. Going to the College students with the gospel is truly a dynamic calling and task. But God is in it and it is on the move.

The UECA is also working to establish youth ministry and helping youth pastors to reach out to young people of all ages.

We are truly excited about the move of God and what He is doing in and through us.

Please pray for us as we do the work of the Lord and reaching out to the world with the Gospel. Jesus is LORD.

Dr. Thomas Galt

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