And being assembled together with them, commanded them that they them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the Father......And when the day of Pentecost came, they were all with one accord in one place”... (acts1:4 & 2:1)

The Early Church gave birth not with “Funds but with Prayer and with the Power of the Holy Spirit”.

It was a supreme command by the founder of the church- Jesus- never to venture out as His witness till they received from the Father the promised Power. To this end about 120 people waited in one accord and were baptized with the Holy Ghost. The rest is the History of the Church. These were ordinary men, who left behind, their families and jobs and were totally dependent on the Lord. The book of Acts and other epistles of Paul give a very strong emphasis for fasting and Prayer. Jesus having baptized with the Holy Ghost, was driven by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness for 40 days and nights to be tempted by Satan - matching 1 day for 1 year of the 40 years of the people of Israel in the wilderness- and came out victorious and then began His ministry and His first Miracle was in a wedding in Cana of Galilee. And Jesus ended His life in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane by dropping blood sweats. And throughout His missions and ministry Jesus spent hours in solitude, praying and communing with His Father.

The Scripture tells us that the “ Prayer of an effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (james.5:16)

Prayer is a divine order, law, principle and precept through which God reveals, communicates, imparts, approves and communicates with his children. Prayer is relationship and not relativity. David prayed 7 times a day and Daniel prayed 3 times a day. How is our personal prayer life and prayer life with the living God? If I am guilty in my conscience of offense and sin I naturally avoid going to prayer.

Praying for a few minutes, prayer over our breakfast table, and saying the Lord’s prayers are good but a fervent and effectual is totally different. “Prayer is a War and a Battle Field”,

against the powers and principalities of satan.  And praying therefore is difficult and therefore many quit praying. And there are others who depend upon the prayers of our pastors and other prayer agencies, because we lost our face with the living God. Our sophisticated life, well paid job and other securities tell us that we need not to pray. REMEMBER! IF YOU ARE NOT A PRAYING PERSON, THEN IT IS A SIGN THAT YOUR SOUL IS DEAD. And that is a very bad sign.

Seal on your forehead.

And in the last days the Lord is going to put a seal on the fore heads of those praying people And the Lord will charge His angels not to harm them in the days of great slaughter. You Read in (Ezekiel. 9: 4-6)And who are these old, young and children? who escaped the great slaughter to come? These are the people who weep out to God and pray for the sins and perversion of Israel. They call themselves as people of God and yet brought the idols in to the very sanctuary of the living God!

Are you weeping for the Perishing Millions?

If not, then there is something wrong in your faith in Jesus? Do you Believe in hell and judgment? YOU MAY NOT GO TO HELL BUT MILLIONS ARE GOING THERE! Please! Do all that you can to stop them, least, THE LORD WILL REQUIRE THEIR BLOOD WITH US!

Awake then! Pray! Pray and Pray!

Pray for Bethel! Pray for our associate churches! Because I love my wife beyond words and description, I provide her needs and keep her content, happy and fulfilled. And If We love Jesus and His Cause, then we will do the same with His church beyond regions! You may not be able to come and preach! But can intercede on your Knees! YOU CAN ASSIST THOSE INVOLVED IN MISSIONS!

If you honour a prophet in the name of the prophet, then you will receive the reward from God, as the prophet would receive. Even a glass of Water you provide will be given back to you.

When is the last time you prayed for India and Bethel with a Gethsemane Spirit? When is the last time that you sent in a support to a native missionary or a pastor?  Try doing it to-day and go to bed in peace and blessed! AND DON’T FORGET! EXPECT A MIRACULOUS REWARD FORM YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER!




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