"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth and ultimately formed man in His image and likeness to subdue and have dominion over all other creatures –Gen1:28.
The above connotes that God supernaturally bestowed on man awesome abilities to perfectly manage the earth, show forth His praise, worship Him and glorify His name. The fall of man established variableness in the level of man’s ability and consciousness because the glory had departed his life and ability to do things right on his own. God because of this, institutionalize leadership so that those who have edges over others in their conscious abilities would be able to lead or influence others to do righteousness.
To facilitate this spiritual responsibility, God established laws as a guide to check and balance man’s consciousness. Christians are confused about the word leadership in the church today because the main reason for the leadership institution is vague. I want you to know that the vagueness will determine the fakeness and when you fake it you will fail it.
The will of God for man to live on earth is established in Rev.4:11…..for thou art created all things for thy pleasure” that is praise and worship. Man has lost focuses as a result of satanic acerbic wit. This is the reason for the establishment of leadership because there is no perfection even in every human perfection there is imperfection knitted into it. The rate of apostasy is alarming and worrisome. Jesus Christ came and commissioned all believers to a call to influence others to come back to God and to call others to consciousness that this earth no longer belong to man because it is corrupt and that Christ is coming to lead the faithful to the eternal home.
On this premise was the Church of Christ descended from heaven to lead people back to God to enjoy the beauty of redemption of Jesus Christ. When you become born again you need to challenge and be inspired by the shared vision in scriptures to enable others act. You must model the way forward, new life and encourage the heart of others to worship God. The Bible confirms the call of some personalities in both Old and New Testament. Jesus Christ called His disciples, trained and commissioned them to lead people into the kingdom of God through preaching and teaching. Jesus said from now on you would be fishers of men. Luke5:10 and in John15:16 Jesus said I choose you to go and bear fruit. This means leadership is spiritual. The church is growing numerically, spiritually intellectually and financially but leadership in the things of God does not grow because of democracy. God controls the church through its leadership. Today in our church the authority of God is usurped by the synod or church council. Every call in the body of Christ is spiritual and purposeful but at times the areas of operation may be secular. You are called to function where you can make the most of your own contributions with ease before your time.
The purpose of leadership is to meet the needs of the time. Leaders are instruments of God He uses to meet the needs of the time. Hence, everyone that gives his life to Christ in the body of Christ is called to influence others outside or his entire generation to worship God. And noteworthy is the fact that the grace of leadership even among the called is given to few.
You must wake up to inspire and encourage individuals to give their lives to Christ, live a holy life and do their best in other to achieve the task laid down by Christ.
Spiritual leaders in the body of Christ must use all the facilities and abundant grace given by God to accomplish the task. The facilities are:-
- The study of the word of God.
- Personal relationship with God. That is, constant prayers and worship so as to be a model unto others especially your neighbours.
- Understanding and obedience to Holy Spirit.
- Your gifts and talents. That is, your spiritual, intellectual, material, and financial resources that are graciously given unto you. These are required to be used to set pace and add values to people’s lives –Matth5:13
God said a servant deserve his wages. Working for God is not static. God promotes people and increase them financially, spiritually, materially, intellectually according to His riches in glory. Your obedience to God’s command will command the following into your life supernaturally.
See Deuteronomy. 28:1-14.
- Protective advantage that is divine security.
- Financial prosperity and security.
- Magnetic advantage which is favour all-round.
- Promotional advantage
- Divine presence – John 3:1-3, Matth28:20.
- Educational advantage – John 14:26, 1John 2:27.
Character is the quality that makes an individual different from others. This is all about character transformation. It is the quality that forms the pattern of an individual behaviour or lifestyle.
Character Development
It is the improvement, building, growth and advancement upon the lifestyle or behaviour pattern of an individual. It is all about changing your lifestyle positively and profitably
How to Start;
To start developing your character to profit in your life, you must first have to open your heart to Jesus Christ.
Qualities That Reveals a Spiritual Leaders Behaviour
- Discipline,
- Humility,
- Honesty,
- Love,
- Servant Look,
- Diligence – Hard work,
- Wisdom,
- Courage,
- Moral Excellence. Your character reveals your identity - Eph 5:1
Why Character Development Necessary In Spiritual Leadership?
Improvement upon character is necessary based on the following among others.
- So as not to be a self-deceiver,
- To enable you walk in the light of the word.
- To be followers of God.
- Many failures in ministry are character failures
- To enable us constantly fit in the kingdom business,
- It is necessary because we are the light of the world Mt 5:13-16,
- To help in fulfilling the great commission.
- We are epistles to the world . people are watching and rating us- 2 Cor 3:1-3
Honesty - Being faithful to God and living an upright life- Prov. 19:1
- Aspect of Dishonesty : Lying, Slander. Deceit -1 Pet 3:10
Cheating is an act of robbery and a way of taking what does not belong to you by force. It is a way of presenting a partial statement as fact causing another person to receive as truth.
Effects of Cheating:
- God is against it.
- You lose everything by cheating. Complete honesty in every areas of your life is God's demand. When you deal in honesty, you have free conscience in dealing with God and man - Prov. 13:18
This is a spiritual leader’s mode of life or general conduct. Excellence is an enviable mode of life. It is a compulsory requirement in spiritual leadership.
Factors that determine your Moral Life
Your thought, your words and your action or deeds - Prov. 5, 6, 7,
Prov. 23:37, Matt 12:34-37.
- Your thought determines your action
- It determines your person.
- Your life and ministry cannot be bigger than your thought.
- Pattern your thought correctly .
- Nurture in your mind a great thought for your ministry will never grow any higher than you think.
- Thoughts are invisible that controls the visible they are silent.
You need to understand that if you are not a profitable mind manager, you can never be a profitable life manager and if you not a profitable life manager God will never commit precious lives into your hands.
Weapons to Guide your Thought: - Prov. 4:23
- The word of God - Ps 49:11, James4:11.
- Engage in responsibility —Isa 53:8, 9.
- The name of Jesus Christ- Prov. 18:10
- The blood of Jesus Christ- Rev 12:11, Heb.9:14
- Holy Spirit - Isa 59:19
The Use of the Mind
- The state of the mind influences your character and patterns of life –
1 Thess 5:23
- Hold fast that which you have - Rev. 3:11
Note - let all souls be subject to higher powers.
- You control your mind by the power of choice - Deut 30:19.
- Every thought that passes through you places an indelible mark on your mind Hab 2:1-3
- Your mind is meant for sacred purposes. God places a lot of value on our imagination Gen11. We are the expression of God's imagination 2Cor 10:3-5. Your imagination is an access for the miraculous
- The battle is worn or lost in the mind.
Condition that must be fulfilled to know they are thought of God - Ps 26: I
- Proof all things - 1 Thess 5:21
- God's thought speak peace all the time - Ps 85:8, Phil 4:9
- It must agree and be established in the scriptures – Ps 138:2,
Rev. 3:10.
Your Words: Math 12:34, Numb 14:28
- God responds to your words Eph 3:20, Rom 4:17
- Prov.6:2 – You can liberate with your word
- James3:1-6 –You can set on fire with your word
- 1Peter3:10 –speak good word. If you want to live a good life
- The knowledge of his own mind.
- The worth of his character
- The principles upon which he is building his own life.
i. SIN – Matth4:3 - Sin is an active weapon.
ii. Accusation - Satan’s main objective of accusing a spiritual leader is to spiritually paralyze him as an animal falls into a trap.
Spiritual strongholds – 1Cor10:3-5
• A spiritual stronghold is a mind-set impregnated with hopelessness that causes a spiritual leader to accept as unchangeable, situations that we know are contrary to the will of God.
• Strongholds are located in the mind – Rom 8:6-7
• Strongholds are made up of thoughts and are developed in the shadow of our strengths. We know our weaknesses, thus making it difficult for Satan to use the element of surprise. But where perceive ourselves as strong, we tend to relax and consequently fall prey.
• Strongholds are often activated by painful trauma such that makes a Christian to say he cannot forgive.
• Strongholds create a double mind that results in spiritual and emotional instability. Strongholds must be destroyed.
• You must submit yourself to Jesus our Lord. James 4:7
• Resist the devil
• Draw nearer to God. James 4:8
Your Actions:
- It is important to God.
- Let your action corresponds with your words - 1 Sam 2:3.
- Be a doer of the word
- Be committed in doing the word - 2 Cor 6:17
Qualities of a Good Spiritual leader
- Outward appearance – The way you dress speaks much about you, 1 Pet 3:3 - 4
- Diligence – hard work - It doesn't kill, it refines the destiny. Laziness is not Christianity - Eccl 9:10, Zech 4:6, Heb 6:10,
- Servant look - when your services take root from your heart faithfully it is a high way to greatness - Luke 22:27, Phil 2:5-11, 1 Pet 5:6 - be ready to serve as an example and manifest the resemblance of Christ in your character –
- Luke 16:12 be faithful..,
- Courage - Ability to control fear in the face of hardship or danger. Don’t let hardship abort your destiny - 1 Sam 30. Discouragement and fear go together. Strength and courage go together. Refuse to accept defeat or accept No for an answer - Micah 7:8
- Holiness: This is living right according to the will of God - righteousness - Heb 12:14.
Five Ways To Develop Spiritual Leadership’s Character,
- Do not depart from the word - read, study and practice - Jer 15:16, The Holy Spirit is the enabler to practice.
- Determination - You must make up your mind to practice the character of Christ. You need to be purposeful.
- Learn to keep company with the wise – Psalm1:1, Prov. 13:20,
- You must be acting on the word. - James 1:22, Song Sol 4.
This paper is just a reminder of some fundamentals about the spiritual leadership sacred office and responsibilties in the body of Christ. God bless you as you read and keep all these at your elbow.
Rev. Prof. Bank-Ola, Steve.
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
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