They are fruits of the Spirit.

First let me say Glory be to God and blessed are the poor in spirit for thiers is the kingdom of heaven.

Is’nt it great to have the holy spirit to guide you throughout your walk?yesterday I spent the afternoon with my mom took her shopping I always have a good time with her.I love how well she knows her God,she stays in communication with him.look while I was standing in the store talking with her I realizes why I’m so blessed at this time because my mom is a prayer worrior who’s been playing her position well! God made promises to her that filtered threw our blood line that’s why he called me and asked me if I knew about the promise to my family that my parents set fourth genarations before me. And how important it is to protect his promise .and the holy spirit tought me to understand the Words of the scriptures(Honor your father and your mother,that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you” in Exodus 20:1 the 12th commandment of the Lord God.”)that was one of the promises the Lord made to my parents based on them raising me in the kingdom of God.becouse I know it was not easy raising ten children 7-boys 3-girls Glory be to God for giving them hope that was the size of a mustard seed and grew threw the genarations that set me up now for his promise to continue threw me.alot of my blessings throughout my life had been based on the favour my parents had on thempromised by God for there obedience to him.I remember on mothers day our bishop eddie l long delivered a truth that I will never forget he said to the mothers(what is most important to God is if I called your childs name would he or she know me,or would I have to teach them all over again.)better believe I receive that!on that day the Holy Spirit allowed me to catch that Word so I can walk in it,at that time the promise was passed to me.and I have been givin a position in Christ to protect and honor in obedience that promise into the coming generations(.2peter 1:4) reads”by which has been givin to us exceedingly great and precious promises,that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature,having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” See to have a parent is a blessing but to have parents that are obibient to the word of God is to be honored. And He says that if you can catch that and receive it being in agreement you can walk in it. The important word to catch here is(fruits)this is something the parents are supposed to teach us in the very beganing as a child just beganing our walk.ok lets go deeper,when your mother gave birth to you she was given fruits of the spirit to guide her and assist her while raising you from baby to boy.and then from boy to man God upgrades her for the next level of growth. That’s if she is a listening parent that has her ears tuned to God.He does not write the blueprint to life,He is the blueprint of life(Glory be to God.)think about it when a woman has a child the Holy Spirit automatically assist her with his fruits( when you were born she(1.Loved )you,she had (2.patience)with you she showed(3.Joy)

in having you,when the doctor hit you on your hynnie and you took your first solo breath and cried out she got (4.peace)and when she looks at you lying sleep in your stroller looking all cute she sees Gods (5.goodness)in you,when you would get in trouble your mom would rebuke you with (6.Kindness) when you cant sleep at night yor mom or father would get up and rock you “gently “back to sleep,and at the end of everyday before she puts you to bed she tells you to neel beside your bed and clasp your hands and pray to God she is teaching you “Faithfullness”to your creater,when she has a child she understands that she cant just throw up her hand and run away because she is a mother with responceabilitys who has to practice “self control”buy being a obideint example of God to that child. But that child needs a father, a God fearing father. One who will teach him Gods word so that he will hear his voice.

Pray this prayer with me.

Heavenly father as I start this day give me understanding into your knowledge so that it will become wisdom to my movement.and strength to my Spirit. Please God allow me to catch this morning Bread that I may walk in your truths. In Jesus name Amen.

Melvin c lester. 5/21

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