The Kingdom of God:
In Matthew 6 Verse 9,Jesus said, "after this manner pray ye" 
The KINGDOM represents the full and effective reign of God. It is the rule of God on earth in the hearts of men. This is through a process in which the new birth occurs, known as regeneration.
This is conformity to the will of God. Man in his old unregenerate nature CANNOT and WILL NOT be submissive to God's will. It requires man to be dead to himself, and is resurrected in the new image of Christ for the will of God to be done.
In verse 33 Jesus said, "But seek ye first the KINGDOM of God." As in the "Lord's prayer" the KINGDOM of God and His WILL is to be before any promise or request; and it should be our concern to have this FIRST. The word SEEK indicate that ones dominant desire and concern should be that the KINGDOM of God comes to him.
So what is the KINGDOM of God?
The KINGDOM of God is not about issues of church affiliation or position on doctrine, creed or beliefs or spiritual activities, nor about religious observances. (see Romans 14:17)
It is RIGHTEOUSNESS - perfect uprightness in our daily walk.
It is PEACE - perfect peace with God. (Rom.5:1)
It is JOY - perfect union and intimate love through the Holy Spirit.
Lost men are not merely weakened, disabled or incapacitated but dead, and from his dead condition the truth will be denied of him. He does not need a new start but a new life. Man needs a new heart, not a new start in life, not just turning over a new leaf but a new life through resurrection. No one can live a life pleasing to God until he first recieves a new life from God.
Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." (Jn.11:25) It is our faith that unites us to Christ in a way that his death and resurrection is our resurrection.
Have faith in God.
God bless you all
Deeperlife Outreach Ministries

Think like a dynamic servant of God. Therefore, keep your thought process active and open to the voice of God.

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