"Uniting Christian & Jewish Clergy from Around the World"
The reading is from Acts 1: 3- 12
This is an amazing experience for the disciples. All the sorrowful scenes and wounded
hearts were being comforted, because as unbelievable as it may seem, but this same Jesus that they saw crucified is alive and with them again. No one wanted to leave Him and suddenly He disappeared from sight. These last 40 days were so full of exciting events and plenty of instructions being given to them pertaining to the Kingdom of God. I’m sure that the Lord Jesus Christ would have prepared them for another sad event that was going to take place when He would have to leave again, but I do not think it did register much with them. It was like the time before the crucifixion He had told them that He would suffer many things and be killed but it did not register and when it was happening they could not understand and so their sorrow was very great. They witnessed all the cruel things taking place but they were unable to help Him. They witnessed Him crowned with thorns and being scourged with 39 stripes. His loving face that they were used to was so badly marred. They followed afar off to where He was to be crucified and watched how He suffered and staggered under the burden of the big wooden cross which He had to carry on His bleeding back. At Calvary they heard the sound of the hammer as they nailed His Hands and Feet to the cross and they saw Him lifted up for all to stare at Him before He died. After He died, they watched Him being taken down and placed in a tomb. They did not know that He was there enduring the cross with all its pain and shame for them. They did not understand that He indeed was the sinless and perfect Lamb of God being sacrificed on the altar of the cross for the sins and sicknesses of all mankind. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3: 16, 17 He has become the Saviour of the world and whosoever in the world would believe in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Who could understand their grief? They loved Him so much and they had such hopes and dreams while He went about doing good and healing all the people. Now the tide has turned and they could understand why He did not use His power and stop what was going on for they did not understand that He was there as our Sin-bearer so that ours sins could be remitted.
When they gathered back in the privacy of the upper chamber they each one shared about how they saw Him suffer and what He endured and they were full of sorrow. Peter decided to go back to his fishing business for he could not understand how this could happen to Jesus for he gave up his business to follow Him and now all his hopes and dreams were shattered and some others joined him.
However, very early on the third day they heard disturbing news from the women who visited the tomb of Jesus, that this same Jesus, was now alive! That which seemed so far fetched when told by the women, was now indeed a reality and they rejoiced in this fact now. Their sorrow was now turned to joy for this same Jesus, Who seemed so helpless and at the mercy of those Christ rejectors was alive and He visited them on and off.
He had taken them out to the mount and gave them their last command – do not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which I told you of earlier. John did baptize you with water by immersion but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days from now. The disciples then asked Him a question which was irrelevant to the subject of their conversation and so He said do not inquire of things that are not meant for you to know now but come back to our conversation about the Holy Ghost. When you shall receive the Holy Ghost you shall receive power and you shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, in all Judaea and Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the earth. This is the gift that you need to witness to the facts with power and you need this gift also to make you bold witnesses.
After He said these things they beheld Him as He was taken up before their eyes! Could you imagine what it felt like to see Him going up? Their beloved Lord was once again being taken away out of their sight. They were too astonished and they became insecure and fearful again. You know how it could be – you may know that a sick member of the family may leave this world soon but when that one dies, you are still sorrowful and you grieve. Even though they knew He had to go away again but now it was happening before their eyes and they were plunged into sorrow again. How loving and gracious is our Lord, He sent to two angels to disturb them out of their shock. They also again reminded them that this same Jesus as you have seen Him go will come back in the same manner in which He went. This same Jesus that is caught up now, is coming back. This is the same Jesus that was born of a virgin and was born in a stable. This same Jesus became a Man and went through the waters of baptism and was filled with the Holy Ghost. This same Jesus is the Son of the Living God Who came to this world to save sinners. This is the same Jesus you witnessed Who went around healing and changing circumstances wherever He went. If they were sad He made them glad. If they were sick He healed them. If they were possessed by devils He set them free. If they were mourning because of death, He raised them from the dead. This same Jesus changed their lives forever and even Mary Magdaline who had 7 devils was now a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the man of Gardara who was possessed with many, many devils which kept him naked and cutting himself with stones and lived in the tombs? He too was now in his right mind and became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Whoever comes in contact with our Lord Jesus Christ can never be the same again, for this same Jesus is able to remit their sins and change them. This same Jesus heals the sick even today when they believe that He is their Saviour and that He paid the price for their sicknesses. The good news for them was that this same Jesus is coming back again in the same manner as they saw Him go into heaven. Suddenly the realisation dawned on them and they were happy again that this same Jesus is coming back again and they went to the upper room and tarried for the coming of the Holy Ghost. I think while they were waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit they strengthened themselves with the thoughts that this same Jesus was coming again. When the Holy Ghost came on them they were empowered to speak in tongues and received boldness to witness anywhere and everywhere all things that they saw and knew. They suffered much for the truth of the Gospel and they preached the return of this same Jesus.
We are like them often – for many times the Lord does come to us with His message of salvation through a tract, or radio program or TV program and we feel our hearts stirring within us but we do not take time with the truths and we will not let it register within us and we pass over it. When the truths begin to come to pass then we will feel hurt and baffled at all that is happening and it will be a very sorrowful time for those who are left behind after the catching away of God’s people when Jesus comes back.
The Lord is once again coming to you through this radio program with the Gospel or with the news that He is coming soon, harden not your heart or do not be a careless and casual listener for this could be the last time you will hear the message of the Gospel for it maybe too late for you!
Do you really believe that this same Jesus is coming again? What have you done with this truth? Are you ready to meet Him if He should come now? Are you spreading the news of His coming to others? It is this same Jesus Who will come back – not any other Jesus. This same Jesus that was buried, as a Man and arose from the dead as a Man and ascended into heaven as a Man, is the same Jesus returning as a Man. If you have not realised this truth till now then call upon Him now and ask Him to remit your sins and cleanse you in His precious blood so you too could be ready when He comes. This is the next great event that is going to take place in the world for He is coming for all His blood washed ones from all over the world to be with Him forever. Do not miss this great event. God bless you and give you the wisdom to receive this same Jesus and escape the wrath of God which will be poured out on the unbelieving.
Margaret Wright
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The AOCI exists as a fellowship of Spirit-filled Evangelical and Jewish Clergy for the purpose of: 1) Exalting God 2) Fellowshiping and 3) Divine Networking.
We do NOT advise, nor do we seek, to bring members out of their current denomination or ministerial association. We seek to have a platform to UNITE the Clergy of the world in ways that can benefit not only the Kingdom of God, but also the men and women who faithfully serve their communities, one another, and God.
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