Paul in his first letter to Timothy identified who he was in the first verse. Can you identify with who he said he was? Can you say the same thing about yourself? Paul clearly states that he is an apostle; in other words he is an envoy or delegate. One appointed to represent another. Who was he appointed to represent? The Scriptures say he represented Christ Jesus. Christians are suppose to be representatives, envoys or delegates representing Christ Jesus. Examine your life today! Who do you represent? Yourself? Satan? or Christ Jesus?

Who or what authority made him an apostle? Did he just decide to be oneWhat does Paul mean when he says that Timothy is a true son? The word true here carries the following meanng: (lit: born in wedlock), hence: real, true, genuine. Paul looks at Timothy as a true son, because he was the offspring, fruit of his relationship with Christ Jesus! How many spiritual sons do your have? Paul did not just give "birth" to Timothy, he mentored and loved Timothy as he grew into the Christian and minister that he should be!?

I Timothy 1:1 states that he was an apostle by command. in other words he was an apostle because of an order, instruction, or authority of another. Who made him an apostle? This was done by God, our Savour, and Christ Jesus, our hope. God is the Father, who is our deliverer and preserver. Christ Jesus is the source of our expectation, trust, confidence as believers, which was provided for us through the price he paid on Calvary!

Would you bring a child into this world and leave him on his own to find his own way? I seroiusly doubt it. You would protect, nurture, provide, and train that child to become a productive adult one day. Why is it that we lead sinners into a new life with Christ, and we want to leave them alone to find their own way. If would avoid this failure as Christians, there would be a whole lot more peoople that would not fal by the wayside.

Paul in his greeting in First Timothy pronounced a blessing upon Timothy. He wished him grace, mercy, and peace. By wishing him grace, he was pronouncing favor upon Timothy. By wishing mercy, he was pronouncing compassion. By wishing him peace, he was pronouncing upon him a peace of mind. He also stated the source from which these blessing would come: God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.

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