We rescued him from a pet store. They told us this white bundle of fur was to be put to sleep if he was not adopted that day. He was about a year old. We discovered we didn’t have to do much training. He just seemed to adapt to us as we adapted to him.

He would only eat his food once he knew, for sure, we were home for the night and eating dinner. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t even drink water until we got home. We guessed he hated the scolding if he had accident. If scolded he begged for forgiveness.

He seemed most content just being with us. In the living room, he would lie on the top of the sofa and just look out the window for hours. We found a stuffed animal that match his colors and it became his favorite toy. Throughout the evening he gathered all his toys and lie on top of them in the middle of the floor. Most often the only play he liked was tug-of-war or hide-and-seek. He never chased a ball.

We got the impression that he thought he was human. When we were selling our home, he took on the responsibility of leading potential buyers through each room and the back yard. I think he expected the commission. In our van there was a side window ledge that he claimed as his seat. The only time we ever heard him growl was when another family member was in his way when he was trying to get to “his spot”. He was quiet neighborly. He would often visit the neighbors’ kids to make sure they were okay, but returned home before supper.

He was very protective; chased every squirrel out of the yard and watched to make sure they never came back; helped find every frog in our pool and made sure I netted them properly and flip them out; he also chased every, almost every, dog and cat that came near his property. I said almost. One day he heard noises and ran to the front to chase … stopped dead in his tracks … the biggest dog he ever saw. Neighbors rode their horses up the road. He had never seen a horse before.

Throughout the years he was a companion who never asked for anything. Even when his eyesight was failing and his hind legs became too week to even get on the sofa he still would play hide-and-seek. We had to help him in and out of the house. His sight was so bad he began to walk into walls or floor length mirror thinking the hall was in front of him.

His quality of life had become unbearable. It was difficult taking him to be put to sleep. When the Vet gave him the shot, he turned his head and looked at me as if to say, “Good bye friend.” He was our dog, Max. For 14 year he gave to the max of his companionship, comfort, joy, and love. When does your max come out?

Yet, God’s love is greater. He is ready to rescue, to forgive, to comfort, and to love. And He wants your companionship too.

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