To those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

“Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.”
In today’s world we can no longer believe what our fellow man has to say, our politicians have only one thing in mind, that is to be reelected and hold their power for another period of time, our neighbors are not those that live next door, as the Bible instructs us and our families have become our worst enemies, many churches have fallen to political correctness and have denied the very God that sent them, compromising Gods word for increases in attendance and the acceptance of the defiled and unbelieving, many have become the church of the Laodiceans this all according to scripture.

Why is this all coming to pass now? The reason is Biblical prophecy. The spirit of anti-Christ and Satan know that their time is drawing to an end, and they shall be judged and punished by the Lord for their deception of mankind and their rebellion against Him. Calling evil, good, has become the rallying cry among our governments, seeking the approval of man and calling the good of God, evil, for it does not accept sin or unrighteousness. God would save multitudes, His love is boundless but His word must and will stand, the Lord will not allow sin into His kingdom.

At one time, even in my lifetime, there was a cry among this nations people for all men to come into repentance, to worship God, accept Jesus as His Son and to bring a great nation under the will of God for its preservation and prosperity, revivals were everywhere, people receiving the Holy Ghost, being redeemed, healed, delivered and saved, but in the last twenty years we all have seen an emergence of anti-Christian sentiment. The revivals have all but disappeared, salvation has been replaced by political correctness and Jesus has almost been replaced by greed and indifference among many.
Atheist hating even the mention of God, Christ, repentance or prayer, they sue at every opportunity, state governments and even to the federal level seek indoctrination of our children into false religions, homosexuality and gender friendly religion, desiring to remove the words God, Jesus and Son from the Bible.

The removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made. Simply meaning that this worlds righteousness, false religions, ungodly lifestyles, unrighteous laws shall all be removed. The things that have corrupted mankind shall not stand the shaking that God will accomplish as He shakes this world down to its foundation. The Bible stated that this earth shall rock and real as a drunkard, men shall run to the rocks of the mountains and plead for the rocks to fall upon them to hide them from the face of the Lord. Man’s arrogance, false religions and unrighteousness shall be burnt up and will no longer be remembered.
The lukewarm church shall also perish. Men who say they are of God shall be judged upon their works. Many say they believe in God but deny His Son, deny His word and shake their fist at the truth. Jesus stated; “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.” To deny oneself is to remove anything that stands in a man’s way that would keep him from the grace of God.

A man who accepts or supports unrighteousness, one who seeks after power, domination over his fellow man and the pleasures of the flesh, has not denied himself, is lost and has become reprobate just as spoken of here; “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.”

The true Christian understands these words and is not offended by them, for we have come to know the grace and mercy of God, for we were at one time lost and defiled by this world, seeking only those things that pleased our flesh, power, money and stature. Are we, who are saved, then perfect? By no means, but we seek out perfection through Jesus Christ. We see sin for what it is, destructive, but we are still in the flesh, as it is written; the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing. We make mistakes, being still in the flesh but the biggest difference is that we do not sin willfully. If and when we sin we have an advocate with the Father, which is rightly and just to forgive. We have come out from among the world and have become a separated people. We seek not a kingdom on this earth nor the recognition that comes with following this world’s definition of success, but we seek a kingdom not made with hands, a kingdom that has no beginning nor will have an end.

When we accepted Jesus, the Son of God, as our Saviour, the cloke that had us blind was lifted and we finally seen the ugliness of this world, we saw the greed, the wars for what they really were about, power and domination, and false religions that could offer no salvation or hope to those that followed after them. We saw that we were lost; we were part of those that had rebelled against the Most High God and needed to be saved. We saw that pleasure of the flesh; mind and body only lasted for a short time. Our flesh had an unshakable appetite for pleasure and power which could not be satisfied, the more we gave it the more it demanded.

“but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure.” Many men today hate God, hate His Son and hate His word. Many profess that God is their Lord but in their actions, works, words and policies they deny Him. They seek to remove passages from Gods word, change their meaning and add to what is already a perfect guide into all righteousness. They try to use scripture to justify their goals and never seek out Gods will or His council on any matters concerning life. God has begged man to come to Him and reason one with another, but His plea has fallen on deaf ears.

Speaking of the spiritual, those that are blind love the darkness, those that are deaf love the silence, and those that speak evil of God, love the sound of their own voice. Paul stated of sin; What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein? How can a man who has come to know the truth of sin continue to support it, live in it or accept it? Can a man serve God and Satan; can a man believe in Christ and accept another way of salvation? I change not, saith the Lord, I am from everlasting to everlasting. The word of God cannot be shaken; it will last for all eternity.
Heb 12:26-27, Titus 1:15-16, Rom 6:1-2

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