The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen"--2 Corinthians 13:14. Much too often we run into those who don't believe in the Trinity or Triunity of God. Oneness, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Muslim, etc.... The linchpin for salvation rests in the belief that Jesus Christ is God and that He saves.

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Comment by Doc Thomas on August 14, 2012 at 7:28pm

You must come to the knowledge of the unforgivable sin which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. You can only blaspheme God and be in danger all other gods are powerless. I showed you Scripture where Peter addressed the husband and wife that fell dead after lying to the Holy Spirit. If us mean two or infinity you must believe in polytheism. What or Who do you believe Jesus is and Who or What do you believe that the Holy Spirit is? You have already ascribed the Holy Spirit as feminine although Scripture refers to the Spirit of God as He. Your hermeneutics and exegesis are way off. Ask Dr Henry or one of the others here how they understand Scripture in regards to your  fallacy of interpretation. Scripture interprets Scripture and no man!

Comment by Doc Thomas on August 14, 2012 at 10:35am

Sister Wilson,

You can provide commentary to support the concept of Trinity but don't believe in it....faulty logic. If there's Three Person (Tri as in tricycle), would this not be accurate? Triunity, another phrase I used also is supported as well as what you have shown therefore, what is your argument? Do you believe that God the Father exists and is He God? Does God the Son exist as Jesus the Christ (Jesus meaning God is salvation); does He exist as God or is He less than God which makes Him a demigod/false God since that would violate the 10 Commandments? Is the God the Holy Spirit not God or is He less than God? Peter told Ananias and Saphira that they lied not to me but to God? He asked them why did they lie to the Holy Spirit!

Is this concept qualifiable or there's one person in the Godhead and if there's only one are you telling us that Jesus is not God and that the Holy Spirit is not God.

Comment by Doc Thomas on August 14, 2012 at 7:40am

Sister Wilson, 

Maybe you haven't read Genesis, John, Hebrews etc... There's many words not mentioned in the Bible but they exist in the concept. Does Genesis where it states let Us make man in our own image; who is us and who is our? At Jesus' baptism was not all three Persons referred to? Let's not argue over a doctrine that is clearly shown. How would a Godhead exist unless there were more than one person? Let's unpackage your argument.

I agree that the most difficult thing about the Christian concept of the Trinity is that there is no way to perfectly and completely understand it. The Trinity is a concept that is impossible for any human being to fully understand, let alone explain. God is infinitely greater than we are; therefore, we should not expect to be able to fully understand Him. The Bible teaches that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also teaches that there is only one God. Though we can understand some facts about the relationship of the different Persons of the Trinity to one another, ultimately, it is incomprehensible to the human mind. However, this does not mean the Trinity is not true or that it is not based on the teachings of the Bible.

The Trinity is one God existing in three Persons. Understand that this is not in any way suggesting three Gods. Keep in mind when studying this subject that the word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture. This is a term that is used to attempt to describe the triune God—three coexistent, co-eternal Persons who make up God. Of real importance is that the concept represented by the word “Trinity” does exist in Scripture. The following is what God’s Word says about the Trinity:

1) There is one God (Deuteronomy 6:41 Corinthians 8:4Galatians 3:201 Timothy 2:5).

2) The Trinity consists of three Persons (Genesis 1:1263:2211:7Isaiah 6:848:16,61:1Matthew 3:16-1728:192 Corinthians 13:14). In Genesis 1:1, the Hebrew plural noun "Elohim" is used. In Genesis 1:263:2211:7 and Isaiah 6:8, the plural pronoun for “us” is used. The word "Elohim" and the pronoun “us” are plural forms, definitely referring in the Hebrew language to more than two. While this is not an explicit argument for the Trinity, it does denote the aspect of plurality in God. The Hebrew word for "God," "Elohim," definitely allows for the Trinity.

In Isaiah 48:16 and 61:1, the Son is speaking while making reference to the Father and the Holy Spirit. Compare Isaiah 61:1 to Luke 4:14-19 to see that it is the Son speaking.Matthew 3:16-17 describes the event of Jesus' baptism. Seen in this passage is God the Holy Spirit descending on God the Son while God the Father proclaims His pleasure in the Son. Matthew 28:19 and 2 Corinthians 13:14 are examples of three distinct Persons in the Trinity.

3) The members of the Trinity are distinguished one from another in various passages. In the Old Testament, “LORD” is distinguished from “Lord” (Genesis 19:24Hosea 1:4). The LORD has a Son (Psalm 2:712Proverbs 30:2-4). The Spirit is distinguished from the “LORD” (Numbers 27:18) and from “God” (Psalm 51:10-12). God the Son is distinguished from God the Father (Psalm 45:6-7Hebrews 1:8-9). In the New Testament, Jesus speaks to the Father about sending a Helper, the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17). This shows that Jesus did not consider Himself to be the Father or the Holy Spirit. Consider also all the other times in the Gospels where Jesus speaks to the Father. Was He speaking to Himself? No. He spoke to another Person in the Trinity—the Father.

4) Each member of the Trinity is God. The Father is God (John 6:27Romans 1:71 Peter 1:2). The Son is God (John 1:114Romans 9:5Colossians 2:9Hebrews 1:81 John 5:20). The Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3-41 Corinthians 3:16).

5) There is subordination within the Trinity. Scripture shows that the Holy Spirit is subordinate to the Father and the Son, and the Son is subordinate to the Father. This is an internal relationship and does not deny the deity of any Person of the Trinity. This is simply an area which our finite minds cannot understand concerning the infinite God. Concerning the Son see Luke 22:42John 5:36John 20:21, and 1 John 4:14. Concerning the Holy Spirit see John 14:1614:2615:2616:7, and especially John 16:13-14.

6) The individual members of the Trinity have different tasks. The Father is the ultimate source or cause of the universe (1 Corinthians 8:6Revelation 4:11); divine revelation (Revelation 1:1); salvation (John 3:16-17); and Jesus' human works (John 5:1714:10). The Father initiates all of these things.

The Son is the agent through whom the Father does the following works: the creation and maintenance of the universe (1 Corinthians 8:6John 1:3Colossians 1:16-17); divine revelation (John 1:116:12-15Matthew 11:27Revelation 1:1); and salvation (2 Corinthians 5:19Matthew 1:21John 4:42). The Father does all these things through the Son, who functions as His agent.

The Holy Spirit is the means by whom the Father does the following works: creation and maintenance of the universe (Genesis 1:2Job 26:13Psalm 104:30); divine revelation (John 16:12-15Ephesians 3:52 Peter 1:21); salvation (John 3:6Titus 3:51 Peter 1:2); and Jesus' works (Isaiah 61:1Acts 10:38). Thus, the Father does all these things by the power of the Holy Spirit.

There have been many attempts to develop illustrations of the Trinity. However, none of the popular illustrations are completely accurate. The egg (or apple) fails in that the shell, white, and yolk are parts of the egg, not the egg in themselves, just as the skin, flesh, and seeds of the apple are parts of it, not the apple itself. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not parts of God; each of them is God. The water illustration is somewhat better, but it still fails to adequately describe the Trinity. Liquid, vapor, and ice are forms of water. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not forms of God, each of them is God. So, while these illustrations may give us a picture of the Trinity, the picture is not entirely accurate. An infinite God cannot be fully described by a finite illustration.

The doctrine of the Trinity has been a divisive issue throughout the entire history of the Christian church. While the core aspects of the Trinity are clearly presented in God’s Word, some of the side issues are not as explicitly clear. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God—but there is only one God. That is the biblical doctrine of the Trinity. Beyond that, the issues are, to a certain extent, debatable and non-essential. Rather than attempting to fully define the Trinity with our finite human minds, we would be better served by focusing on the fact of God's greatness and His infinitely higher nature. “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor?” (Romans 11:33-34).

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