(Helping Organizing Peace & Empowerment)
 (Charity Registration No: RJSC/FSD/919)

Postal Address: P.O. Box 1094, Faisalabad 38000 Pakistan.
Physical Address: Street # 2, Office # 991, Chaman. Faisalabad-Pakistan
Phone Number: + 92 - 41 - 201 1728  Fax: + 92 - 41 - 872 0287
Email:  Website:

Date: May, 30, 2011                                         

Subject: Truth for Humanitarian Organizations

Dear Sir / Madam,                                             

Love & Peace from Hope Development Organization. “Educating our children in the ways of peace and empowering our women as equal citizens is our Mission” It is difficult to work for Peace and Equality in an environment of deep-seated traditionalism. Terrorism, Politics, Instability, Bad Economy, Weak and Biased Information from Media, Misleading Imagery, International Laws & Bad Foreign Policies of Countries and Foundations, Ignorance in this region has made it much more difficult for Human Understanding between perceived factions. The world complains and demands change in our country of Pakistan, but it cannot happen with the behavior of Ignorance.
HDO is a National NGO, struggling for Women's rights & Peace in Pakistan, it is registered with the government. HDO was founded in the year 1997 by a Feminist Group and Women's Equal Rights & Global Peace believers after the result of horrible crimes against women in Pakistan like Child Marriage Honor killings, Domestic violence, Acid throwing, Bride burning, Dowry death, Murder of pregnant women, Human trafficking, Sexual violence, Female genital cutting.
Today HDO is experiencing a of lack of resources. We need your encouragement and your help to continue working. Pakistan is a part of the rest of the World but Pakistani Society is discouraged by the darkness of ignorance. We request that you please stand beside us and if so then all of our outcomes will surly be the best they can be for everyone everywhere. (Love is the only answer).
Regards, love and peace
Dr. Shabnam NazliChairperson:
Hope Development Organization

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