If you could point to the two number one problems in the church body, what would they be? In talking with over 75 organizations and ministries in the last year (with membership roles exceeding 250,000 members) we have concluded that these two subjects are that at the heart of the problem. These issues are tolerance and acceptability. Tolerance is accepting the things that are not of God, or that God would not approve of. Acceptability is somewhat the same meaning; it is the time when we have grown to accept the negative things because we have either grown empathic or simply don’t believe we can change things.

God loves all people, and it is never too late for a person to come to God and be saved. There are no sins greater than another in the eyes of God. But God can not look upon sin, and thus if we as the church begin to tolerate or accept sin as it is: meaning not trying to remove the sin. Then we ultimately hinder God from be able to help us. When we begin to think that we have the right answers, rather than simply accepting the Word of God as our reference then we also have chosen to place our faith in man and not God. We can not accept sin, out of love, for sin is against God, but what we do is accept the person and move to change the sin in them

These two issues have caused the walls to many churches and ministries to close. They have caused confusion in the world around the church and has put a bad light on what is suppose to be a church of a holy God.In 1 peter 1: 13-16 we read "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy.”. Sin and holiness do not mix both will war against the other. We may not also we able to change all people or circumstances, but we can choose to teach and preach the truth of God’s word, and refuse to tolerate or accept sin.

The world would have it that the churches conform to its standard, but our God seeks to have the world conform to him. I guess the big question here is do we really believe everything that is in the Bible, Or just part of it? Do we serve God or have him serve us? Do we believe that the words found within the Bible are the inspired words of God himself, or flawed man? If we believe they are indeed God’s words and thoughts, how I ask can we not follow them all? In Mal.3:6 " I the Lord do not change. The God of the scriptures is presented as eternal in his nature, unchanging. The God of the Old Testament, the New Testament and our present time has never changed. How God felt 6000 years ago is how he feels today. It is man’s constant attempt to find loop holes rather than obedience to God.“Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD.To obey is better than sacrifice…

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Comment by Richard A. Kent on June 1, 2010 at 10:38am
Amen Mr. Wood I fully agree. It time to bring back holiness in the house of God.
Comment by Evangelist Doug Wood on June 1, 2010 at 8:20am
The reason churches put up with SIN, or don't even mention SIN, is because, the church or should I say church building, is no longer called the house of prayer, but is called the house of anything goes. I say that because the church today now has GAY pastors, women dressed like they just got off work from the street corner, men shelling like the just left the Bar and grill, Yes people have turned there backs on sin, when we as God's messengers should be speaking out against sin, hitting sin head on. It is time we start weeding out God's garden, time to kick the devil out and bring God back in.
Comment by Richard A. Kent on June 1, 2010 at 7:50am
Amen Mr. Wood.... Love and hate cant fill the same vessel.....and a big AMEN that the church is in need of a serious revival ! Let us all set our ourselves for prayer.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 31, 2010 at 7:10pm
Great point Evangelist Wood. In fact, we even have a Jewish person who went to our AOCI facebook site and became a fan! How wonderful! We Christians must love the Jews! God bless.
Comment by Evangelist Doug Wood on May 31, 2010 at 6:45pm
I agree 100%, but there are other things that are wrong in the church. I have preached in many churches in my time, and I see the same thing in every one.
Many today preach that God is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore, how true that is, but man has changed things to fit there ways of life.
I hear Christians say how much they love the Lord Jesus, but in the same breath, they say they hate the Jews.
How can one the the Lord Jesus when one hates a Jew? Just as how can one say the Love the Lord when one hates there brother. yes there are things that are wrong in the church, but the number one thing that is wrong, is to much hate and not enough Love.
What we need is an old time Holy Ghost sent Revival, but Revival must start in the Pulpit.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 30, 2010 at 11:12am
Amen Rev. Kent. Good commentary.
Comment by Richard A. Kent on May 30, 2010 at 8:54am
I believe the difference here is " deliberate sin". Of COURSE we all have fallen short of the glory, but there is a huge difference. The world would have us change to its thinking, But that can not be. Yes the Word of God says to " come as you are" but then its talk about change.
Corinthians 5:12 it reads this:
What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside. "Expel the wicked man from among you! Expel....is a verb MEANING ACTION BY US..CORRECT?
WE must also be watchman in the house of God
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 29, 2010 at 7:39pm
Amen. God bless.
Comment by Bro Tommy Baker on May 29, 2010 at 5:45pm
Amen my brother. We should always strive for perfection but if we refuse to tolerate sin who will be in church? No man but one can stand justified before God. I agree that sin can not be accepted. We must preach and share the word of God to the best of our understanding that someone may be convicted and by the power of the Holy Spirit be changed. If we are intolerable of our brothers and sisters shortcomings, who will hear the word and what difference will it make even if we shout?

We must remember that each one of us had a beginning in our walk with Jesus and when we begin our walk with Jesus, we come with a lot of baggage. Things that we experienced and learned, sometimes for a lifetime that must be taken from our lives. What things do we still have in our lives that in perfection should not be there? Here is patience. Be patient with our brothers and sisters, all of those who will call on Jesus for salvation. Preach the word and then the Holy Spirit will convict them when the time is right. Growth takes time. Our transformation is not done all at once but we are changed one belief at a time and each time we must go through the physical aspects to make that change. Sin has its concequences and these will cause a man to turn away from them. If he has heard the word then the Holy Spirit will convict him and set him free from the desire of it. You are right that there is much division over this subject. The church can not be seen to condone sin and yet some have taken sin all the way to the pulpit. The leaders of the church must be beyond reproach that no brother points a finger at him in accusal but all man kind should be welcomed into the church that we should fulfill His ministry. Preaching the word to the lost sheep that the Holy Spirit will convict some and they should be led home. We are saved by grace, in hopes of righteousness through our Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation is the Gift of God and he leads us through the teachings of righteousness that is Jesus our Lord.
Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on May 26, 2010 at 5:48pm
This is right on spot Rev. Kent. It is sad when some churches put up with sin and some even DO NOT mention the word Sin because it might offend someone. It is time to go back to Holiness where NO MAN shall see God without it. Thank you so much for this article and God bless you, your family, and your ministry.

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