Whether we are conscious or not, our lives and all of existence around us are governed by Divine laws. These laws determine the operational dynamics of the universe and all of creation, and also explain cause and effect. Our survival, peace and prosperity as God's people and our ability to restore all things back to God, etc, would greatly depend on our understanding of Divine laws and how they impact existence as a whole. We can't afford to settle where we are in our comprehension of the revelation of truth. It's time as God's representatives, we get to understand existence and we stop allowing the world to claim more knowledge of what we should be custodians of as God's children.


Why should we seek to understand Divine laws?

Spiritual Ignorance is what each of us must strive to conquer in order to live as we should and to equally fulfill our purpose of existence. God does not want to operate in secrecy, nor does He desire to keep us in ignorance of His work of creation and the laws which upholds existence. Reasons being that, we were originally designed to rule, dominate and properly manage the earth; implementing on early places, God's kingdom vision for creation. Such assignment can't be carried out by people who are ignorant of the very laws which governs their existence and should determine their operational dynamics.


It's worth noting that, the coming of the Holy Spirit is part of God's plan to provide us access into knowledge about life and existence, beyond the reach of those without a relationship with God. This privilege has been ignored by many within the church in their blind quest for power. Nothing is as dangerous like power without illumination; it leaves one in a state of blindness.


The Pentecostal movement today seems to be operating in a type of pseudo-light due to our relegation of the Holy Spirit to charismatic gifts, while paying little attention to His role as the sole teacher of ALL THINGS.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Joh: 14:26



Imagine a church equip with the knowledge of the Divine laws which governs all things. Imagine the impact of such on the earth! This is the breakthrough the church has been unable to experience, due to our little understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit as the teacher of all things.


If the teaching ministry of the Spirit was pursued as we pursue the power ministry of the Spirit, the church would have become the most empowered institution in the world, bringing all secular institutions, including the United Nations under the influence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


The Holy Spirit is the spirit of creation: (And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters (Gen 1:2). He has the most secret information about existence and one of His ministries to the Church is that of teaching ALL THINGS so as to equip the church to impact all spheres of life.


How much have the church made out of the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit for over two thousand years? The church has made very little breakthrough as far as the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit is concerned, but I have good news! There is a church emerging on the earth in the 21st century; this church would be like none other in history. I am talking of the emerging 21st century church, which is actually the third coming of the church. This church would manifest the fullness of God in light; leading to the kind of impact no other generation of God's people have ever experience.


We praise God for the Power of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of the charismatic gifts, but in the absence of the teaching ministry of the Spirit to guide and illuminate us regarding the divine laws of God which governs existence and defines cause and effect, we would be more in our operations like the magicians of Pharaoh, who could also perform supernatural acts, but in the dark.


In some quarters, the church looks more superstitious like the Athenians in the days of the Apostle Paul. This sad state is a reflection of the absence of light to guide, direct and illuminate our whole kingdom perspective. This is as a result of our limited quest for truth and understanding of the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. The greatest message of all times is found in the scripture below.

This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1Jo:1:5


When we understand this revelation, it would transform our entire vision of the kingdom and its glory. God is light! Darkness is a symbol of spiritual ignorance, and the greatest form of ignorance is that of Divine laws. This ignorance is responsible for the level of our comprehension of Divine truth as regards existence and its functionality.


God is raising a generation that will walk in the fullness of His light to restore all things into harmony with Him. This subject is broader than we can grasp in a single note. For more on this important truth; I am inviting you to be part of my mission U.S.A, as I bring the word of God to the United States of America, with simplicity, elucidation and profound depth as God's messenger, sent to facilitate the transition of the church into the next move of God and the 3rd coming of the church. Dr. Etta

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