Dear Friends,
Thank you all for your works of love in the name of our Lord. This is to let you all know of my upcoming walk for the forgotten. In todays world so many of the homeless and others of lower financial standing are overlooked because of their inability to make it to church or even sadder because of their inability to give financialy to the church. Unfortunately in so many of our modern churches, more emphasis is placed on financial gain rather than making sure we are there to give guidance to those who need the extra time to find a state of peace in their faith. As you may know my ministry focuses on reaching all those who are so often overlooked. In order to raise funding and awareness to our mission I am making this walk for the forgotten. I will be asking churches and businesses, as well as individual christians to pledge any amount of money per mile or even one time donations as I make the walk from Carlisle, Kentucky to Panama City, Florida. To honor these forgotten souls I will walk as they walk, sleep where they sleep, and eat where they eat. Hopefully we will be able to come up with a video camera as I plan to get the stories of a few people as I travel, as well as record my progress so that I can post it on the web for the world to follow. I am asking for your prayers for the success of this walk and also any help you can offer. If you would like to join me on this walk, contact me at 859-707-8255 and I will email you info. on our ministry and a pledge form that you can use to gather pledges in your area, as well as the date and time to meet to start our walk together. Thank you all for your service and your prayers and God Bless your lives and ministries.

In the Lord's grace,
Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr.

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Comment by Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr. on January 24, 2010 at 5:21pm
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