Week of Feb 13th - Feb 19th Lecture - Major Strongholds of satan

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Comment by Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on March 11, 2011 at 11:55pm
Thank you Alphonce! God bless you.
Comment by APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO on March 2, 2011 at 1:27pm
Am praying for you that the work our Lord Jesus has established within you may continue through the anointing power of the Holy one (1John 2:20) and be encouraged to seek more from above only by prayer and fasting so that all the hinderance may be removed out your ways (Mathew 17:20-21) God will never neglet the one whodeligently seeking His reward by faith (Hebrews 11:6) But some times it force us to put the house in order (2Chronicle 29:1-10, 15-16) including our families (Genesis 35:1-5). May God bless you richly. AMEN
Comment by Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on March 1, 2011 at 8:29pm
Amen Alphonce!
Comment by APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO on March 1, 2011 at 12:40pm
I remember at the time of Jesus in Mark 9:14-28, the desciples were an able to cast out the demon in the boy; Jesus was not hapy with them in V19 > Faithless generation, how long should I suffer with you and how should I be with you) This is the message of Jesus to MANY BELIEVERS today because there is no true power of the real Holy Spirit anointing that break the yoke in many people's life in the Church, but there is alot of emotional-puff -up including yielding, shouting and many think, that is power. Later, you find these people live the same life for themselve not for Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Again the disciple were real, they asked Jesu why didn't we cast out those demons? And Jesus said, but this can't except by prayer and fasting. The question comes, how many true Christians in Churches who take prayer and fasting, "DRY" FOR ONLY TEN DAYS? ThOUGH I DID IT FIVRE MONTHS, ANOTHER TIME 49DAYS ON THE MOUNTAIN, AND EVERY YEAR MORE THAN 100DAYS AT DIFFERENT TIMES. The power and authority come for them James 4:4-10, Jeremiah 29:11-14, 33:1-3 
Comment by Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on February 26, 2011 at 3:05am
Thank you Alphonce for your advise; you are so true, the only One we can depend on is Jesus. He is the Healer, He is the Author and Finisher of our faith and so much more. I know the power and authority comes from Him and Him alone; I mean when it come to humans. We have no power, we are nothing with the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit; the power lies in Them. God bless
Comment by APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO on February 24, 2011 at 4:57pm

Yes sister Dorothy to be open to lean. In this walk and work with Christ, alot of things we may not know them for the first time, but on the process we come to know. The big problem we have today, much more us ministers, is that we depend of what we have read and past experience plus some denominational doctrines that always may block us to go further.

An example, just today, aperson called and said, he has been using the scriptures which you have just written down here, as he pray for people with satan, but nothing is happening yet he believe that the power of God is in him. He came and picked me from the Library and went with him at my place. I prayed for him and found some very strong demons in him. Another time I was casting out demons in some people, then some puffed up as they say, strong believers, now they also started casting those demons. So what I did, I withdraw and left them casting those demons, but they tried untill they gave up. So I went back and I told them to keep silent that they can see by their eyes who has true Authority and power which is true as the said, And those who practicaly live and do them. This is what am try to explain that my fellow servant may understand the practical side of it. Well if you like to know more , then you are free to call me and contact me and Am ready help you. May God bless.

Comment by Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks, PsyD on February 19, 2011 at 10:10pm
Than you Alphonce; yes spiritual warfare is another level we must deal with. Jesus gave us all authority to tread upon serpants and scorpions so we have power over him. The Word of God says no weapon formed against us is going to prosper; it's not going to work. Because greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world. I give God all the glory for my life and the Holy Spirit is teaching me things concerning the Kingdom of God and everything else I need to be taught on. God bless
Dr. Hooks
Comment by APOSTLE ALPHONCE OSANO on February 18, 2011 at 4:49pm
Dr. Dorothy, it's a good topic to deal with in teaching and exposing what the devil is doing around. But one of the problem I have discovered in the area of spiritual warfare, is that few christians try to share about it, yet when it comes of how deal with them practicaly, they can't help those in bondage with demonic. So people with these problems remain the same. My suggestion is that, it's better to get those God has given power and Authority so that they can pray for them for freedom. Information can be found, but for these people to be set free is another level. So am praying that this understanding may be clear to many, as Jesus said in Mathew 17:20-21. A mazing thing, very few ministers do pray and fasting, and if some do, then just normal which does not bring big effect. So keep the good work in the Lord Jesus and be blessed.

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