By the special grace of God this year 2010 has been declared as our year of delivery. When a woman is pregnant and due for delivery, the nurse or whosoever that wants to take the delivery tells the woman to push. If she cannot push, she may not probably have the baby. So in other word, this year is our year to push. The word "PUSH"
Means pray untill something happens. According to what that scripture says, you need to travail to bring forth. To travail means to push and to push means to pray untill something happens. So, this year is a year to be more closer to God in prayers. Be in touch with God and allow Him to speak to you. Let Him lead you. God is interested in leading His own people. He is ready to show you the way forward, only if you can ask (Matt. 7:7).
For zion to bring forth, then she has to travail. I see God crowning your effort with success in 2010. If you are believing God for a breakthrough of any kind it may be house, job, husband, baby, relationship. Whatever your request may be God will give it to you without struggle. He will delivery it into your hand without pain.
God who gave Hannah a baby and Esther deliverance when they prayed He's still on the throne and i pray your expectation will not be cut short.
Welcome to your season of joy! Welcome to your appointed time!! Welcome to your year of DIVINE DELIVERY!!!

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