Dearly Beloved,


“I expect and hope that I will not fail Christ in anything but that I will have the courage now, as always, to show the greatness of Christ in my life here on earth, whether I live or die. To me the only important thing about living is Christ, and dying would be profit for me” (Philippians 1:20-21 NCV).

It has always been my desire to live for Christ and be a channel of His blessings to the humanity. This has been my driving force in everything I do, especially in every aspect of my Internet ministry. When I recently joined the BlackBerry network, I got connected with as many people as possible, and I have been using that network to fulfil my aspiration in life. However, it baffled me one day to see one of my BlackBerry contacts using the network to do a nefarious and unedifying act. It came to my notice also that some people have been using the network to harm other people.

Nefarious acts and atrocities are not limited to the use of BlackBerry devices. People are doing nefarious acts and perpetrating atrocities through other technological devices and means and even in other various ways. A typical example is what some people are posting on their Facebook pages, needless to mention numerous scam emails that some people send out every day to unsuspecting recipients. Such people are simply demonstrating what they are living for.

Apostle Paul categorically said it times without number in his epistles that his living was to advance the kingdom of God on earth and the well being of people with whom he came in contact. He was even ready to die for the Gospel!

What are you living for? What is paramount in your life? Are you living to be a channel of God’s blessings to people? Are you a source of joy and encouragement to them? Or are you living to be a source of the downfall of, or sorrow to other people? Your words, actions, and even, at times, inactions will determine what you are living for!

“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21 NIV).

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).


If you are in the BlackBerry network, and you are not one of my BlackBerry contacts, you can invite me to be one, or send your BBPIN to me to invite you. Here is my BBPIN:27C6552C. You will be blessed that you did!


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