Matthew chapter 7, verse 7. Jesus in his own words uttered these remarks so as to aid us or even nudge us into action. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you".

Many people in this world are going through very hard times, or what may seem to be hard times. But how many have seek' ed the Holy Trinity for assistance. Some might say many, or at least a few, might have asked God for some guidance or some help. There must come a time in most every persons life when they seek after something. If this sounds common it is, because it is. It is a natural thing to look for help when we are at our lowest point, and you want to know something, it is OK to seek help. No matter what type of help you are looking for.

I recently was listening to a program that was speaking about an organization called TAPS,(the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) and here is there web link ( ) it is an organization that reaches out to military family members that have lost a loved one in military service for our country. This support and other programs like the VA,
(Department of Veterans Affairs) and here is there web link ( ) are here to help our soldier's and sailors with many types of issues as well as problems.

Yet, there are folks that won't seek the support they need, because of what ever excuse they can come up with. I have to say this is a shame, a crying shame. That people that are willing to lay down their life, can't feel like they can ask for help because of some type of stigma placed on them by society and even peer pressure by fellow friends and or even family. I know it is sad, but it does not have to be this way. We as individuals and as small or even large groups of people can break down this barrier, if we can just stop making comments that discourage anyone from getting the help or aid they need to be a whole person again. Think of it this way, it could be you that needs help someday, then where will your support and courage come from?

A friend called me the other night with a rather common problem that could have been avoided if he had sincerely and with true conviction asked for help. Did he know that there where programs out in the community that would have helped him deal with his problem? Yes, he knew. But what he lacked in his life was the commitment to act on the issue. So many empty promises were made over the last year and so many chances where given, that the true need to get help really was not an issue to him.

Until now, now he has lost what he loved. He lost it because he could not, with sincerity from his heart commit to truly seeking the one thing that would have saved him form so much grief. That grief is the personal suffering of the circumstances of his action on those he loved. I guess in everyone's life there comes a point when we have to say enough, is enough. Either we do that which we know is right or we don't do nothing at all and hope things work them selves out or at least blow over or defuse them selves.

Sometimes it isn't as easy as that. Sometimes we have to "buck up" and take responsibility for our selves. Take control. Be the person we know we can be. I like this verse in Matthew because it gives strength of hope and courage to do something that may not be so easy. We have to weigh the things that we find important in our lives and draw the support from that and shut out all the negative BS...Bad Stuff.

I can't tell you folks enough that it does not make you less than someone else to ask for help. Another friend just stopped by to let me know that his life is so much better, now, than it ever was before. Because he acted on the steps to get the help he needed. By him doing this in his life he now has become a positive example to others with the same type of troubles he had. Besides, isn't that what being a Christian is supposed to be really about? Giving up our life or laying down your life for our fellow man. Doing it with the love of Christ, not only for our selves, but being that example of a light on the table. By being a positive living example that influences others that might be going through something similar in their lives.

As human beings and even Christian Warriors, it is the right thing to do. Being helpful or praying for the hope and strength that can change peoples lives. Christ said for all believers to plant seed and as the parable goes some went to rocky ground and produced nothing, some landed in a little better ground but do to the lack of support it too withered and died. But then some seed landed in good soil and it flourished. Asking for help or offering help is much the same way.

Sometimes people will just shut you down and don't want to hear it. Other times they hear you, agree with you but have no commitment to see it through. That to, is not your fault however, doing nothing with your whole heart is your fault. Then there are times when you speak from your heart, with the love of Christ flowing through you, and out comes the right words that change peoples lives for the better. That is just like planting your seed in the good soil. If God is for it than who can be against it? Who are we to say that by not speaking up that we can't change a life for the better. Well one thing for sure is if nobody speaks up, shows support or even offers help than we are not true Christians. That being Christ like in all that we say and do with our life and how it effects others around us.

There is a lot of wisdom in these two verses of Matthew, worth a second look, another chance to see and act. You know God doesn't lie, you also know that he loves you more than you will ever love him. You also should know and if you don't I'm here to tell you that He will NEVER, NEVER forsake you. But you will deny him many times over in your life, but he is still always right by your side, holding out his hand and ready to help you in what ever way he feels is the best way for you. Faith teaches us that. Seeing is believing and when you see God working in other peoples lives, well, lets say it is sometimes a miracle that God has given us the ability to see in others and in our selves that gift of transformation.

So encourage someone today to seek help, and remind them that you support their desire to help themselves. Help them to cast off the stigma that it makes them less of a person to seek help for what ever problem is in their lives. Remind them that doing nothing, will only postpone self destruction. That the path that they are heading on will only lead to more hard times and it may even cost them the thing that they love the most. What ever that may be for them. You don't have to be a bible thumper and quote scripture at them. Just be yourself, show that you care and that you think enough of them to take the time to offer support and help in ways that you can. Not for selfish reasons but out of brotherly or sisterly love for a fellow human being. Then and only then will you truly being a living example of Gods love in the world around you.

With the love of the Holy Trinity, I ask you to "BUCK UP" and take control by the power that God gave each and everyone of you. "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened unto you: I also encourage you to look up this verse and read verses 8 thru 14. Than, let me know what you are doing to help someone else, or keep it to yourself, no difference, because no matter what you do, it is not hidden from the Holy Trinity. I think it better that God, smile upon you than frown.

And may God Bless you, for your courage to help your fellow brother or sister in need,
Rev. Fr. Andrew Robert Moses Manley

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Comment by Apost.Prophetic Cassandra Lai on March 27, 2010 at 11:05pm
Thank you for adding me to be your friend on line for fellowship. As I am reading your article, the Lord remind me of someone I have met in life. he is an American who involved in Veitnam war many years back. Though he was back to USA, I believe he is now still alive ,stay in L.A. or Florida. He is a veteran, the war has finished long time ago. But the experinces has disturbing him and it brought a divorce into his own marriage due to ill treatment toward a young Asian lady who he married. MAy I request you to uphold him in prayer, his name is Chester Carol. Hopefully one your church missionary or he heard the voice of God and come to you for repentant and receive healing in his life.

God bless you and your ministry.

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