
When He said, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up (lift up) his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For
what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his
soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?" Matt. 16:24-26;
Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23;

The requirement of any follower of Jesus is that they are a cross carrier. Jesus made it clear in the passage above and below:

Matt. 10:38 And he who does not take his cross and follows after Me is not worthy of Me."

Should you have a problem with the cross you have a problem with Jesus. To carry the cross requires that one deny oneself. Their will and personal
ego must die and be left behind for the will of God. That is very anti
"present-day popular thought."" For many people Jesus is all about "me"
and not Him. In the Garden, the prayer of Jesus was, "Not My will, but
Thy will be done," as He prayed to the Father.

Are we losing this type of praying and desire?

What is the cross? When Jesus made this statement He had not been to the cross. What did those considering following Him think He meant? I
believe when they say, "Someone carrying a cross through the streets of
a city," it meant they were on their way to die! I think Jesus meant
that we are to carry the cross as a sign of our commitment unto death.
We are to carry His message and the good news of the Gospel to the
world. This is not to be conditional, but a total denial of self to
carry the cross and follow Jesus till we die!

Jesus goes on to say that if you don't want the cross you are not worthy of Him! Wow! Jesus went on to say that if you seek to save your life you
lose your soul. Then He says, "What will you give in exchange for your

It is very radical to give your all to Jesus, but that is His requirement. Do not get angry with me. You read the words above from the lips of
Jesus Himself.

As we approach Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion, and Easter, I ask you humbly: Are you a cross carrier?

or do not have to carry a wooden cross unless Jesus calls you to do so, but you must be a cross carrier lifting up Jesus unto death.

May Jesus give us the mercy and strength to turn from our wicked ways and deny ourselves and truly follow Jesus.

Let Jesus show you what this means. You must be the one to live it out. This is only something you can do yourself.

I might add that it is when you die to yourself that you are now free in the Holy Spirit. When you have nothing you then have everything! When
you move from yourself to the will of God you now have the power of
Jesus working in you and you have joy unspeakable even unto death. Stop
trying to control Jesus. Let Jesus control you!

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