So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.

[Ephesians 4:11-12]

These verses teach that all of God's people are ministers. These ministers are to be equipped by pastors and other church leaders for their ministry. So, no matter who you are, if you have received God's grace through faith in Christ, then you are a minister of Jesus Christ.

This truth points to an obvious question. What is your ministry? One aspect of your ministry is what you do in the life of your church. Teaching Sunday school, singing in the band, ushering in worship services, serving as an elder . . . these and dozens of other actions within the corporate life of the church are included in your ministry. As we'll see a few verses later, the effort of every single person is essential if the church is to be all that God intends it to be.

But, as we have come to recognize that all Christians are ministers, we have often fallen into the trap of believing that all ministry is "church work," narrowly defined. We have often failed to see that the ministry of God's people includes what they do within the organization of the church, but extends beyond this organization into the world. Remember what we have learned from earlier passages in Ephesians. God's plan is to unite all things in Christ. We are newly created in Christ for good works, the good works of sharing in God's restoration of all things. Thus, our ministry is not just what we do in church, no matter how important this may be. Rather, our ministry, rightly understood, touches our whole lives as we live them for God's purposes.

What is your ministry? It is offering your whole life in service to God. It is devoting all that you are to serving people in God's name. It is using all of your talents, gifts, training, and opportunities for God's work of building his church and uniting all things in Christ. It is living every moment for God, for his purposes and glory.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: How do you understand your ministry as a follower of Jesus Christ? In what ways do you contribute to the health and growth of your church? How might you live differently if you were to see everything you do as part of your ministry?

PRAYER: Thank you, Gracious God, for calling us into your ministry. Thank you for the privilege of serving you in the world. Thank you for the ways we can help build up your church. Thank you for the opportunities you give us to serve others in your name in our daily lives.

Help us, dear Lord, to live each moment as your ministers. Help us to serve you, whether we're cooking a meal for our families, balancing a budget, closing a deal, or preaching a sermon. Give us fresh vision to see our whole lives as ministry. To you be all the glory. Amen.

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