Dearly Beloved,


"I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:20-21 NIV).

April 1, 2012 was a unique day. It was the first day of the month of April. It was the first day of the second quarter of the year. It was the day set apart to commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem popularly known as the Palm Sunday. It was also a day known as "All Fools' Day" or "April Fool Day" - a day set apart to deliberately deceive people. How people reacted to the day, especially the kind of messages they sent to people that day, to some extent, demonstrated the priorities of such people in life. While some people used the occasion of the day being the first day of the month and a new quarter to wish their contacts well, some people used the event  of the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem to pray for their loved ones. While some people in the spirit of "April Fool Day" did deceive (and make fool of) their contacts, some other people creatively played on the word "fool" to bless their contacts. Interestingly, some other people were indifferent to the uniqueness of the day and did not care to say anything to anyone.

The way one makes use of a given opportunity will determine a lot about one's priority in life. Apostle Paul was in a prison when he made the above statement. While other people were misusing the opportunity they had to preach the gospel, he determined to use his circumstance to glorify God whether he is alive or dead. In fact, he wrote many of his epistles in prison and many people came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through him while he was in prison.

What is your priority in life? Like Paul, my priority in life is to be channel of God's blessing to as many people as possible throughout the world. "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21 NIV). What of you!

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).



Apart from my Internet ministry (see for details), you can be connected with me through other technological means like:

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM): My BBPIN is 27C6552C.

WhatsApp Messenger: For now, I use the mobile number: +2348138325934 (not for call or SMS please!) (WhatsApp Messenger is available for BlackBerry, iPhone, Android and Nokia and there is no PIN or username to remember - it works just like SMS and uses your internet data plan. You can get it now from

Viber: For now, I also use the mobile number: +2348138325934  (Viber lets everyone in the world connect freely. Viber’s millions of users can communicate anytime, anywhere, from iPhone®, Android™ and now also from BlackBerry® and WP7  smartphones! Viber is simple to use - it integrates seamlessly with your existing contacts list and uses your cell phone number as your Viber ID.)

My Constant Mobile Numbers are:



Skype: spiritualdigest

Twitter: @spiritualdigest

You may suggest other possible means of being a channel of God's blessings to other people.

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