There are people God won't answer their prayer countless of many sweet biblical messages and promises from our preachers to them. However great the anointing of the man of God over them, God will still say, not this one. For God sees the heart. God sees the end from the beginning. If they like, they should start swimming in and drinking as much as anointing oil they can for yoke breaking, God will deliberately not answer their prayer. Someone says, God answers prayer when mercy overides judgement. Yes. Have you not observe, for those who God answered their prayer and after all, refuse to fulfill God's purpose for which reason that blessing was given later find themselves in another entanglement and calamity or satan collect from them what they thought it is theirs. Infact, it takes long time or unnecessary spiritual warfare for such people to move to higher phase of their success. Infact, they may ended in plateau their own success. And however long, many will still have to suffer because they have not fulfill the purposeful reasons in which God had blessed them or have converted God's glory to themselves.

Do you know why God will not answer some people's prayer? David case comes to mind. God gave great success to David. Everything he did had a positive outcome. The bible let us see the reason why God blessed him. "So David knew that the LORD had established him as king over Israel, for his kingdom was highly exalted for the sake of His people Israel" (1 Chron. 14:2). David KNEW...that God established his kingdom for the SAKE OF HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL.

Many children of God are covenant breakers. At the bottom of subject poverty and affliction, they knows how to use men of God. Their ministers goes from one mountain to another, do vigils and fast, just to see that heaven open on the one they are praying for. But after God had answered, such brother or sister drops those ministers and brethren that they struggled together in prayer and become what they are. Not realise that the primary reason why God bless His children is based to bring joy to people, the church, though their immediate family will be a major beneficiary. At least, God had to start blessing someone first, and they are fortuned to be among the first. But the moment the success arrived, temptation comes. Money and world materials attracts new friends and society. Many easily forgotten where they were coming from. They have got what they wanted. Thinking, with their hands have they made it...I prayed so much with my family before I got to where I am today, they says. Those who never know their trying period replaces the old pastor, church and friends. Some as they changes clothes changed their pastor and brethren. With one excuse or the other, some move to the next denomination and chose new people who had never know anything about them.

It is ok. Just put it in your mind that abandoning your spiritual father after God had blessed you does not cancel God's plan for such men of God and the church. You only cut yourself off from divine more of God's blessing you should have received if you understand the reason why God answer you in the first place. God have many ways to bless His servants.

God answer prayer of His children for "one purpose", for the sake of His people, not "self-chosen people". But what common today, after God had answered,what do you see? The brother or the sister abandone the struggling pastor and brethren, moves to already made crowded in which their commitment in God's purpose is not included, even though, they were tied down because of money. Many chosen to themselves "greater anointed minister" who can move God for greater blessing. Hummmnn....Syndrom of greater blessings needs greater anointed ministers. If God refuse to bless you, whi will? If God raised widow of Zarephath to feed the man of God, Elijah, and she refused, she will never escape famine or her name will be in bad record of book of prophets.

The church is sick today because our heart is not ready to fulfill God's purpose for answering prayer. When life is difficult to many of us, we will punctual in every programs of the church, we make many covenants of commitment and dedication to God. But the moment God answer us,we forget all those vows, even abscond such church, not remembering those dedication to God. God blessed David so much because God wanted to give JOY to his people. How many people knows this? Did they know that what they are asking for is purposely meant to bring joy unto others? Likewise many of us ministers, how many pastors remember that God raised them from grass to grace to bring joy to their members and the body of Christ. They preferred garhering wealth to themselves and the church remain in struggling. It is now "me and my family". With all fleet of cars, none of those who are part of their struggling beginning can boast of being a partaker of God's goodness in their life. David was not like that. No wonder, the bible called him, a man after God's heart. God had no choice than to bless David. By helping David, God was helping the whole nation of Israel.

When God answer our prayer and decided to bless us, He is doing it FIRST OF ALL BECAUSE HE LOVES US AND BECAUSE OF HIS PEOPLE. Our success should be the source of comfort and help to many people who suffer in similar ways like us and to promote His works on earth. As God blesses us, we should reach out to help others as we are able. The heavenly doors consistently opens upon only those who knows and actively fulfilling God's purpose for their lives. Moving to the phase of establishment in God's success, it calls for consistently bringing JOY to people whom God stationed around us to bless. For which primary reason the blessing was sent to us.


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