Dearly Beloved,


"...God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28 NASB).

Last week, I sent out a message on the above subject and emphasized it that God will answer our prayers ACCORDING TO HIS WILL in His own way and His own time. Expectedly, some people disagreed with that position. To them, God will answer whatsoever we ask from Him. Well, let me adapt a message I sent out some years ago titled, "When God Says NO."

I pointed it out last week that examples of what I propound abound in the Bible, and I gave a classic one in the case of David when he wanted to build a temple for God (see 2 Samuel 7). King David was a unique man - a man after God's heart (see Acts 13:22). He was such a king that would not do anything without first enquired from God. God in turn made him successful in his entire endeavour, but only in one that God said NO. One may wonder why God said no to such a good heart desire of David.

How would you react to such an answer from God? Would you be like that pastor that told his congregation that, "When God says NO, say YES"? How did David react? He reacted by praising God in counting his blessings (see 2 Samuel 7:18-29). The "NO" answer made him to praise God! It made him to draw closer to God. It made him to claim God's promises (verses 28-29).

David accepted the will of God to his desire, and God fulfilled His plan for him. Solomon - his son - eventually built the temple to David's credit (see 2 Kings 8). Hezekiah was a different man. God told him that he would die (2 Kings 20:1). Instead of him to accept the will of God for him, he prayed against it. God, in His permissive will, added fifteen years to his life. Unfortunately, those added years were the dismay of his life (see 2 Kings 20:12ff).

Jesus Christ accepted the will of God when He prayed that God should take the cup of the cross from Him (Luke 22:44). He even cried on the cross to demonstrate the agony of the "negative" answer He received from God(Mark 15: 34). However, the NO answer of God to Jesus, and His (that is, Jesus') acceptance of it gave Him a name above every other name(Philippians 2:10-11). This singular action of Jesus Christ has also given every Christian the hope that is beyond any other hope that if we die today, we are going to reign with Him.

Paul prayed thrice that God should take away a "thorn in his flesh" but God told him that His grace is sufficient for him (see 2 Corinthians 12:7-10). Instead of refusing the absolute will of God in this unpleasant situation, Paul rather boasted in his weakness and allowed God to be glorified in it.

God will certainly not answer all our prayers the way we want Him to do so. However, it is certain that God will answer our prayers according to His will. Are you ready to accept God's perfect answer to your prayers in His own way and His own time? Remember, "...God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28 NASB).

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).


You can get the full message comprising the two parts and the previous message on request at <>. God bless you!

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