Dearly Beloved,


"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour” (Matthew 25:13 NIV).

The story of the Ten Virgins is one of the popular parables of Jesus Christ. It tells of ten virgins that were waiting for a bridegroom. Interestingly, five of these virgins were wise by having oil in their jars along with their lamps while the other five were foolish by not having extra oil thereby not preparing for any eventuality. The bridegroom delayed in coming and arrived late in the night. The prepared wise virgins could accompany the bridegroom to the wedding banquet while the foolish ones missed the banquet because they were not adequately prepared.

It was probably this Bible story that motivated the famous blind hymn writer, Frances J. Crosby (also known as Fanny Crosby), to compose the hymn “WILL JESUS FIND US WATCHING?” in 1875. The words of the hymn attest to this. Crosby asked that will Jesus find us faithfully watching with our lamps all trimmed and bright when He comes to reward His servants whether it is noon or night. Can we say we are ready for the soul’s bright home? If Jesus shall call us one by one at the dawn of the early morning to restore our talents back to Him, will He be able to say “Well done” to us? We shall have a glorious rest if there is nothing in our hearts to condemn us after we have been true to the trust He left us and have sought to do our best. Blessed indeed are those whom the Lord finds watching because they shall share in His glory. However, the big question is, “If He shall come at the dawn or midnight, will He find us watching there?”

So are you really ready if Jesus Christ should return today?  Or are you like the foolish virgins in the biblical story? Jesus Christ will come back one day. It may be now, it may be later. The fact that He has not come for the past two thousand years does not negate the certainty of His coming. Are you ready for His coming? Will He find you watching?

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Prayer Point: Pray that the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will not meet you unprepared.

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