35 While He is yet speaking, men come from the house to the Warden, and say, "Your daughter is dead: why trouble the Rabbi further?" 36 But Jesus, overhearing the words, said to the Warden, "Do not be afraid; only have faith." 37 And He allowed no one to accompany Him except Peter and the brothers James and John. 38 So they come to the Warden's house. Here He gazes on a scene of uproar, with people weeping aloud and wailing. 39 He goes in. "Why all this outcry and loud weeping?" He asks; "the child is asleep, not dead." 40 To this their reply is a scornful laugh.
Mark 5:34-40 (WEY)
I like the way the Weymouth translation puts these verses. Remember what happened in Mark 5? A man came to Jesus and said that his little daughter was on deaths door. If Jesus would only come and lay His hands on her she would live. Mark 5:22-23. While He took the time to talk to the woman with the issue of blood someone came from the Ruler of the synagogue's home and said the little girl had died. Jesus heard this and said some powerful words. "Do not be afraid: only believe." Jesus believed in what He was doing. Jesus knew what was going to happen. He had God's word on it. As He approached the Rulers home it says in verse 38 He gazes on scene of uproar, with people weeping aloud and wailing. He goes up to them and says "Why all this outcry and loud weeping? The child is asleep, not dead.
Have you ever been standing in faith, or spoken a confession of faith in God and His word? There will be those around you, of your own family and sadly to say even of the Body of Christ that will do what they did to Jesus. Verse 40. To this their reply was a scornful laugh. They will try to derail your faith, to get you to "come to your senses man." Had that said to me many times. It's your reaction to them that make fun of you, put you down or try to change your thinking as you stand on God's Holy Promises. Too many times when people come against this thing they get scared or they crumble to others way of thinking. If it's in the word then we need to stand on that promise or promises. Remember the old hymn, Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages let His praises ring. It's sung in churches every Sunday around the world. But it is just mouthing words if it doesn't really sink in and mean anything. You can make a good talk, but can you walk the walk even in the face of adversity? Even situations may come your way to make you fall away from faith. But standing on these precious promises of God will make us an overcomer. We win in Christ. No matter what the world says. God bless.
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