Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr.'s Comments

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At 4:56pm on September 30, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
I wanted to wish you a happy early Birthday Pastor Shelpman because I will be traveling tomorrow. God bless you today and everyday.
At 7:14am on March 11, 2010, Chaplain Monica Jane Notzon said…
I am unable to attend your event I will be with you in prayer
Chaplain Monica Jane Notzon
At 1:22pm on February 24, 2010, charles easter said…
Although we try to get a word daily sometimes we run out of time to search the scriptures and sometimes we want to hear a word from a preacher and we can't. You can now go to and hear messages of inspiration from men of God. We want to enrich your spiritual experience daily through

personalized greetings

At 12:38am on February 19, 2010, Dr.christopher Nootalapati said…
Dear Rev.Peter.
I thank God for your friendship.please pray for 4000 unreached people groups of india.we have committed to reach the unreached millions of India in empowering local churches.please share your vision for India.may God rest His spirit up on you.
with love and prayers
At 1:36pm on February 2, 2010, Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr. said…
With honor and blessing I am proud to accept you as a friend.
At 1:21pm on February 2, 2010, Pastor Remegio CBlanco said…
Dear Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr,

My name is Remegio C.Blanco-the senior pastor and founding the HARVESTERS CHRISTIAN MISSION INTERNATIONAL,INC.-PHILIPPINES. Rev.Shelpman, would you please include me to be one of your friends? Love to you all.

In Christ,

Pastor Remegio C.Blanco
At 10:02am on February 2, 2010, Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr. said…
The event starts in carlisle Ky and ends in panama city fl. all you have to do is rsvp on the event to attend
At 7:12am on February 2, 2010, N.Shekar said…
where the event is and can you process my data to attend the event
At 7:14pm on January 29, 2010, Dr.christopher Nootalapati said…
Thank you very much Rev.peter shelpman Jr.I love to be your friend in Christ.Please pray for me As Iam in fasting and praying .We are in need of your prayers and supports to take the Gospel to the unreached millions.Pray for the expansion of God's kingdom in India.I request you to be a my ministry partner.I hope that you will be a blessing to us.May God bless you,family and Ministry.
with love in truth
Gospel to the nations
At 11:36am on January 28, 2010, Gen.Paul Chuks Udemba gave Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr. a gift
At 1:54pm on January 26, 2010, PASTOR NDOH STANLEY ANYE said…
Hi Rev. Peter,
How are u, hope u are fairing well by his Grace. Thanks for the friend request, hope it's going to be a blessing for the two of us.You are Blessed.
At 9:26am on January 25, 2010, Pastor Elisha said…
“Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” Colossians 3:12

Praise the Lord !!!

Greetings to our beloved in Christ.

I am Pastor Elisha from India.
By the grace of God 7 members baptised in to Christ. Glory to God !!!

We need your continue prayers and encouragement.
I invite you please come to India

My whole family Send greetings to you all.

I hope to hear from you soon,
With love and Pray,
Pastor Elisha,
Grace Church Ministry,
At 8:13pm on January 24, 2010, Tim Burleigh said…

Thanks for connecting. It is good to meet you here! I look forward to networking with you. If there is anything I can do to help, look me up. I will help in any way I can.

At 1:36pm on January 24, 2010, James J. Stewart said…
Thank you for wanting to be friends.
At 1:30pm on January 24, 2010, Robert Hibbert said…
Greetings Rev. Peter

I just wanted to stop by an say Hi and thank you for the add request.

At 10:49am on January 24, 2010, Pastor David Two Bears said…
Oh, how I miss Kentucky. May the peace,love and joy of our LORD and Savior be with you always in you endeavor to carry the word of the LORD into all the world. Pastor David
At 8:31pm on January 23, 2010, Mick Alexander said…
Heool there Peter, nice to meet you.

God bless,
At 5:06pm on January 22, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Thanks Pastor Shelpman. You can also add me to facebook if you are there. You can do a look up under DrHenry Vazquez. The Association of Clergy International also has a facebook page which you can become a fan of. Also, you can RSVP for this event there. The reason the AOCI is on facebook is that we can reach other ministers through this different avenue.

We are honored and blessed to have you as a member Pastor. We are believing God to move in a mighty way in your ministry. hallelujah!! Prasie God!!
At 3:59pm on January 20, 2010, Rev. Peter Shelpman Jr. said…
I heard about it through I am proud to be a member and thankful for your prayers.
At 11:20am on January 20, 2010, Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI said…
Rev. Shelpman, how did you here about the AOCI?

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