Pastor Remegio CBlanco's Comments

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At 12:09pm on February 26, 2015, Evangelist Naqash Abbas said…

Greeting from Pakistan 

Dear Friend i am coming in Philippines in Manila for missionary work, any one want to join me or participate, and invite me there church please let me know, May God bless to all of you, 

At 9:29am on March 6, 2014, Grace Mary said…

At 10:31am on January 7, 2014, Pastor John Roach Jr said…

Dear Pastor,

Right now I am spending most of my time in training and teaching youg college students here in Florida.  I am hopeful to make some time out to travel this summer, so please keep in touch and let's see what takes place. Thank you...and God bless!

At 11:38pm on December 29, 2013, Bro. Terry Holmes said…
Dear Pastor,
I am thrilled to get your invitation! I would truly love to be able to come and minister to you all. Let's both be in much prayer about it and see what GOD says. I am a firm believer tha where HE guides HE will provide. If GOD wants us to come there then we would be delighted to come and minister and worship and Praise the LORD with you.
Thanks again for the invitation.

In HIS love,
Bro. Terry Holmes
At 5:03pm on December 27, 2013, Patricia (Patty) Thomas said…

Pastor Remegio, Thank you so much for you kind offer to come and preach/teach in the Philippines.  I would love to!  The Lord Has Been Giving me Instructions for this coming year. I know I will be immersed in the projects, research and writings He's Given me to do.  I don't expect to be able to travel until perhaps later in the year or into 2015.  I will leave it at The Feet of Jesus.  He Will Let us know when it is the appropriate time. 

Bless you and your work for Him.  Let us lift each other up in prayers!

Patty Thomas, Founder - The Miracles Of Jesus Ministry and Waves Of Praise

At 3:51pm on December 27, 2013, Charles Stilwell said…

I will keep you and the people of the Philippins in our thoughts and prayers

At 11:02pm on November 23, 2013, Minister Keith O. Williams said…

I will definitely keep you in my prayers.

At 7:08am on November 22, 2013, Pastor Daniel Ubon Etim said…


How is the ministry of the Lord Jesus moving with you?  Hope, moving great. Amen!

I wish to inform you that I have a great burden to take the gospel to Togo. And by God`s grace, He has opened the door of ministry to Togo .And I have made three missionary trips to Togo with outstanding testimonies of salvation, healings and deliverances. Praise God!

Right now, I am preparing for my fourth mission trip to Togo .and I humbly request that you labour with me in prayers for the provision of all the necessary things I need for the trip.

Also pray for a great harvest of souls, healings and deliverances. Pray for safe trip to and fro Togo.

I want to say thank you for partnering with us in prayer.

God bless you.



At 1:48am on May 29, 2013, Isaiah Thomas Jie said…

Thanks for be my friend. Pls pray for me and my ministry here. God bless.

At 4:53pm on April 29, 2013, Fr David Bennett said…
My dear brother in Christ Pastor Remegio thank you for your request. May the good Lord guide us all in our daily Ministries for the betterment of all people's. May we all follow the Light as St. John stated in his Gospel, which is our light as the beacon(s) for others to follow us by example. Be assured that we will keep you and all whom you are the Shepherd too in our thoughts and prayers daily. Please pray for us too. Brother John Ruffle here in the UK a colleague of mine also a member of The Order Of St. James, visits the Philippines regularly having developed a feeding programme there to assist the children with Sister in Christ Gladdys. May your Ministry be richly blessed. Fr David Bennett.
At 12:05am on April 29, 2013, Dr Gary S. Day said…

Brother Remegio,

I have thought and prayed for you and the ministry in the Philippines over the past couple of years...I am now pastor of a church in Oregon USA with a radio ministry.  Keep our ministry here in prayer as we will keep you in prayer.

God Bless!

Dr. Gary S. Day

At 11:43pm on January 29, 2013, Dr. Mark Plegge said…

I would love to come hold a crusade in the Philippines with you. I speak, teach, train leaders, and also lead worship. I am also a musician. ( keyboard). Let me know what information I would need to know in order to come.

At 5:11pm on August 12, 2012, Rev.Lonnie Bennett M.Div. gave Pastor Remegio CBlanco a gift
I would Love  to come Minister there,I will be in prayer about this. God is a good God and as he supplies i will be there be in prayer for this Brother.
At 4:38pm on August 12, 2012, Rev.Lonnie Bennett M.Div. said…

Brother i will be Praying for you and yours pray also for me send me invite so i can add you on my page.

At 3:49pm on August 12, 2012, Rev.Lonnie Bennett M.Div. said…

Bother I was trying to add u not sure where  to add if you can add me please  do ok

                                                   God Bless

At 1:50pm on August 4, 2012, Anthony Michael Utsey said…
I wish I could visit but funds are low at the moment.
At 6:09am on June 14, 2012, Stephen Benjamin said…

Pastor  remegio C blanco how are you ?

I would like to visit you in coming any month if you still interest to invite me please let me know

God Bless you,

Stephen Benjamin


At 9:00pm on March 26, 2012, Rev. Dr. Pete Campa III said…

Pastor CBlanco,

I really appreciate the invite to your country, I have started a work in San Antonio, TX and have to maintain my focus on the ministry here.  Possibly next year if the LORD puts it on my heart and I will continue to pray for the door to open for evangelism in the Phillippines.

God Bless,

Rev. Pete Campa

At 8:06pm on March 25, 2012, Gilbert Cozens said…

I am presently in Bacolod but leaving for the UK on 3 April I have been here for three weeks but will be back DV in October where about are you perhaps we could meet up then if the Lord wills Dr Gilbert Cozens

At 2:49pm on March 25, 2012, Dr Gary S. Day said…

Dear Brother Remegio,

Thank you for your invitation to come to the Philipines to minister the word of God.  In my flesh I would love to come, but I will first have to pray for God to reveal His will in the matter, and for His provisions if He says yes.  May the Lord bless you with every good and perfect gift.

Your servant in Christ,

Dr. Gary S. Day


I don't know if you are on my friends list or not.  Please send me a request. Thank you again.

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