Domestic Violence Series for Oct 8, 2020 S16 P2B "After Leaving the Abusive Relationship"

Domestic Violence Series (Part 2)

Explanation of Domestic Violence and Abuse – How to Live An Abusive Relationship Continued:


After Leaving the Abusive Relationship: - (Part 2B)

  • Change locks and phone number.
  • Change work hours and route taken to work.
  • Change route taken to transport children to school.
  • If you have a Temporary Protective Order, keep a copy with you at all times.
  • Inform friends, neighbors and employers if you have a Protective Order in effect.
  • Give copies of Protective Order to employers, neighbors, and schools along with a picture of the offender.
  • Call 911 if abuser violates the Protective Order.
  • Consider renting a post office box or using the address of a friend for your mail.
  • Replace wooden doors with steel or metal doors. Install security systems if possible.
  • Install a lighting system that lights up when a person is coming close to the house (motion sensitive lights).
  • Call the telephone company to request caller ID. Ask that your phone be blocked so that if you call, neither your partner nor anyone else will be able to get your new, unlisted phone number.

 Reference for this section: - site no longer available. 

Click here for another source.


Safety Plan for Domestic Violence Victims

According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline web site, domestic violence is “a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner.” Abuse comes in many different forms: physical, emotional, economic, or psychological actions and threats. Domestic violence can affect anyone, it does not discriminate. Whether you are rich or poor, you can become the victim of abuse. But remember: you are not alone; there is someone to help you.

Safety Plan During Violence:

  • Move to a room with easy access to an exit and where there are no weapons (knives, etc.).
  • Know and practice the quickest route out of your home.
  • Pack a bag but have it hidden and easily accessible.
  • Tell your neighbors to call the police when they hear a disturbance.
  • Have a code word to use with your child (ren), family, and friends to let them know you need help.

Safety Precautions for Leaving:

  • Have a safe place to stay that can protect you and your child (ren) already decided.
  • Call a domestic violence victim service program for information before you leave.
  • Find someone you can trust to leave clothes, keys, and copies of documents with.
  • Open a savings account in your name only and have check direct deposited.

Safety and Emotional Health:

  • Get support from a domestic violence crisis help-line and attend women’s support group.
  • Domestic violence victim support is provided by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks,
  • For your protection, meet the abuser (if needed) in a safe place with another person.

Safety and Your Children:

  • Tell schools and childcare who has permission to pick up your child (ren) and give them code word.
  • If possible, give school and childcare a picture of the Abuser.
  • Exchange child (ren) in a safe place for visitation exchange.


Answer questions to create personalize plan:

  1. If I decide to leave, I will______________________________________________________________________________.
  2. I can keep a bag ready and put it_____________________________________________________ so I can leave quickly.
  3. I can tell__________________________________________________about the violence for them call the police when violence erupts.
  4. I will leave money and an extra set of keys with___________________________________________________.
  5. I will keep important documents and keys at_________________________________________.
  6. The domestic violence hotline is ____________________________________________________________________.
  7. The shelter's hotline is _______________________________________________________________________________.
  8. I will rehearse the escape plan and practice it with my children.
  9. I can change the locks on my doors and windows as soon as possible.
  10. I will teach my children how to use the phone to make collect calls to me and to ___________________________________ (friend, family, minister) if my partner tried to take them.
  11. I will tell the people who care for my children, who have permission to pick them up. My    partner is NOT allowed to pick them up. Inform the following people:






12. I can tell  the following people that my partner no longer lives with me and that they should call the police if he

     is near my residence:


13. I can call the local domestic violence agency if I am not sure how to register my protection order with the police departments.

14.If my protection order gets destroyed, I know I can go to the County Courthouse and get another copy.

15. I can tell my boss, security, and ___________________________________________ at work about this situation.

16. I can ask_________________________________________________________________ to help screen my phone calls.

17. When leaving work I can do the following:   


18. When I am driving home from work and problems arise I can:




19. If I use public transportation, I can: _________________________________________________________

20. If I feel depressed and ready to return to a potentially violent situation/ partner, I can call:  _______________________________________________________________________________________________


A Child's Own Safety Plan
Print out this page and fill it in by hand. Keep it with you to read in times of crisis.

My Safety Plan

When I get scared I can think about

When I get scared I can go to

When I am feeling down or afraid I can talk to

These are the safe exits from my house

In an emergency I can

My Important Numbers

My phone number _______________________________

The police _______________________________

A neighbor, friend or relative's number________________________________



Alabama's Domestic Violence Hotline
Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence, P.O. Box 4762, Montgomery, AL 36101



Click here for PDF version of DV Series S16, Oct 8, 2020 


Click below for previous sessions:

PDF version of DV Series S1, June 25, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S2, July 2, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S3, July 9, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S4, July 16, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S5, July 23, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S6, July 30, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S7, August 6, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S8, August 13, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S9, August 20, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S10, August 27, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S11, Sept 3, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S12, Sept 10, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S13, Sept 17, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S14, Sept 24, 2020

PDF version of DV Series S15, Oct 1, 2020

Next section posted will be “Domestic Violence Series (Part 2) – “Explanation of Domestic Violence and Abuse” – “What Can You Do If You Suspect Someone You Know Is Being Abused?”(Part 2A, S17) on Thursday, October 15th.


Rev. Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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