The Temptation oF Using The Anointing For Food!

If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. (Matt 4:3)

Those who blessed the world in all times, lived for something much more than what the average man lives for. They were truly in the world, but not of the world in their values and perspective. 

Before Jesus actually began his earthly ministry, he was tested by the devil to turn the grace of God in his life, meant to save mankind into something for achieving his physical and material wants. He had to overcome that basic test to receive the mandate for his divine assignment. 
I think, the devil meant this in other words. 

If you are the son of God, why should you go hungry when you can use the anointing to get anything you want? His goal was to deviate Jesus from what really matters to the pursuit of trivialities, by using the authority and power given to him to fulfill his divine assignment to solely acquire physical breakthroughs.

There is nothing wrong with being blessed with bread as one carries out the work of the kingdom. What is wrong is when that becomes the motivation and hidden motive for ministry work. And, when one’s definition of ministerial success becomes something measured by one’s physical and material breakthrough, it becomes difficult to really see and think right.

Each of us should strive to overcome the temptation of using the grace of God on our lives for physical and material attainment. Jesus did it, we can do it!

When it comes to real ministry, something greater than just the craving for mere bread and butter have to stir one from the inside. If the goal is simply to makes ends meet, then everything will definitely go wrong with the quality of delivery of such an individual. It's time to live for something much more than bread and material possession. DrBenard Etta

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Comment by Dr Benard Etta on July 25, 2014 at 1:28pm

Amen! Dr. Henry, thanks for reading and for the comment 

Comment by Dr. Henry, President of the AOCI on March 26, 2014 at 7:39pm

These are some very good posts brother! Blessings! Shalom.

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